Michaels, Skye - Kelly's Challenge [Le Club 2] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Free Michaels, Skye - Kelly's Challenge [Le Club 2] (Siren Publishing Classic) by Skye Michaels

Book: Michaels, Skye - Kelly's Challenge [Le Club 2] (Siren Publishing Classic) by Skye Michaels Read Free Book Online
Authors: Skye Michaels
around on horses at forty miles an hour.”
    Kelly just shook her head. “You would think of that!”

Chapter Twelve

    Sunday morning a week later, Kelly woke with a stretch and giant yawn. She snuggled deeper into Justin’s enormous bed in the Ming Suite, and turning, found he had already risen. A cautious peek at the alarm clock told Kelly that she had overslept. It was already 8:30. The fresh breeze blowing through the open windows beckoned her from her warm nest, and she hopped out of bed and headed to the master bath. The skin-tingling multi-jets set in opposing walls woke Kelly completely.
    After toweling off and wrapping up in a fluffy, white terry robe, Kelly made her way to the suite’s small kitchen to scout up some breakfast. She took a tray with a fresh pot of coffee, sweet rolls, and the Sunday edition of The Ocala Star to the veranda. Justin joined her. He had met with Max and Manuel, his head groom, to go over all the details for the match the previous day, and so far everything appeared to be under control.
    Justin dropped a kiss on her temple and ruffled the still damp, black hair tumbling around her shoulders. He dropped into a chair and stretched his long, jean-clad legs out in the sun. “I think I’ll join you for a cup. Everything’s under control. Can you be ready to leave by 10:30? I have a few things to do before the game.”
    “No problem. Can I help you with anything? You haven’t told me anything about brunch. Are you sure there’s nothing I can do?” Kelly asked as she poured Justin a steaming mug of coffee.
    “Not a thing. It’s my party. All you have to do is enjoy the day.”
    Kelly left Justin reading the Sunday paper as she prepared to dress for the day. After blow-drying her mop of black hair and applying a bit more than her usual conservative makeup, she went to the closet and took out the outfit she planned to wear to the match.
    The previous Thursday afternoon Kelly had slipped out of the office early for an excursion to Gainesville to scout for a new outfit. Kelly had any number of appropriate outfits in her overflowing closet, but of course she wanted something new.
    She had settled on a short, red, cowl-necked cashmere sweater dress that hugged her curves paired with a soft, well-worn, hand-tooled, tan leather vest she’d had since high school. She had also chosen tan, leather, high-heeled boots which came up to her knees and a matching shoulder bag. The whole look was very weekend country and suited the occasion to a tee.
    As she checked out her new outfit, Kelly felt slightly ridiculous for having spent what was an astronomical amount of money for her on an outfit that she might not have a chance to wear anywhere else. Oh well, to everything there is a season…
    All she knew was that she was going to be a vision if it killed her! She would drink mimosas and stomp divots with the best of them.

Chapter Thirteen

    After checking briefly with the grooms at the stables to see that everything was proceeding on schedule, Justin pulled the Range Rover around to the field side. A bright-blue and white tent, matching the team colors, sat at the southeast corner of one of the farm’s new polo fields. The tent would serve as headquarters for the team during the match. Justin looked across the field to the opposite corner and noticed that the Black Oak Ridge Farm players were already sitting under their tent.
    Justin helped Kelly out of the car, a huge grin on his face, as he admired the long expanse of sleek legs between the end of her skirt and her high-heeled leather boots. “I’ll have one of the grooms park the car out of the way later, but I didn’t want you to have to hike over here in those boots.”
    As Kelly was about to thank Justin for his thoughtfulness, her attention was diverted to the activity inside another blue tent to the left of the players’ tent. Formally dressed waiters were busy setting up a buffet table draped in a white linen tablecloth. A

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