Deviance Becomes Her

Free Deviance Becomes Her by Mallory West

Book: Deviance Becomes Her by Mallory West Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mallory West
men took turns inserting their thick dicks into her bruised mouth to let her suck and lick, or holding her legs wide while one of them fucked her pussy. After about twenty minutes of that activity she was hurting and getting dreadfully tired. This was not what she expected and she wanted to go home. She had envisioned light play only with Carlos; not that this experience was bad, but she was weary.    
    Conrad managed to get his wish and fucked her in the ass, slapping her hard leaving several reddened handprints on her ass cheeks. He loved hearing her scream out in pain, which only made his dick even harder.  
    He gripped her hair, pulling her head back as he pumped her ass, nearly exhausting himself, until he came in a shudder and grunting like a hog. He slapped her hard one last time on the butt leaving the beginnings of an ugly purple bruise on her tender flesh.
    * * *  
    In the interim, Carlos had started a small fire in the fireplace against the wall. He could not wait to inflict such pain on this woman. He lived for this type of punishment. He had done it several times over the years.  
    This woman meant nothing to him, nothing but a plaything to torture. Carlos used to belong to one of the largest drug cartels in Cartagena, and he used torture to get information out of citizens who betrayed them or men who worked for a rival cartel.
    He was well known for his handiwork; however, he had slipped back into society with a new identity. He knew there could come a day when he was ultimately discovered and subsequently murdered, so he lived for the moment, doing what he loved best.
    She would soon be very sorry she ever answered that ad in the newspaper. Carlos added more and more kindling until he had a nice little blaze. He pulled an iron brand from the corner. The woman’s eyes grew large.  
    A man suddenly appeared from the shadows with a garrote, which the woman could not see. Conrad was shifting his eyes from faceless man to faceless man; something in the air had changed. The man nearby with the small video camera zeroed in on the action about to begin.  
    Carlos was turning the glowing brand over and over getting it red-hot. The woman was trying to scramble to her feet, knowing what was coming her way. Nevertheless, the men grabbed her and held her face down, grasping a handful of her long frizzy hair. She was pinned.  
    Carlos was ready, and the woman lay screaming and tried frantically to get away, while one man diddled her pussy from behind as he sat squarely on her back facing her ass. Her legs convulsively opened wide, giving him more access, even though she thrashed and humped her ass up and down to try and buck him off. The tickling fingers made her throbbing clit want to cum again, need to cum again, while her fright only intensified her excitement. The camera zoomed in.  
    Finally, she became still, and groaned gutturally; her pussy came hard once more, flooding more jets of liquid as her orgasm shot through her. She had never been this aroused in her life. The insistent fingers tickled and rubbed while becoming saturated from her hot juices.  
    She collapsed face down, spent, and that’s when Carlos moved in and pressed the radiant end of the brand into her tanned ass cheek, leaving an ugly red burn in the shape of an X.
    On contact, harsh screams tore from her throat until she tired; cried in exhausted rasping gasps. She could not flail as the men still held her down. While she cried quietly, they turned her over and spread her thighs wide to watch her cunt contract and twitch from the pain and fright. They touched and probed the soaking wetness, not caring that she was in distress. The cameraman got every bit of the deviant footage.  
    Watching that hot brand burn into her lovely but bruised ass cheek while she screamed for mercy, drove Conrad a little insane. The naked, black hooded men who held her down, as their erect cocks waved in excitement as she screamed, thrilled him to no end.

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