Tale of Raw Head and Bloody Bones (9781101614631)

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Book: Tale of Raw Head and Bloody Bones (9781101614631) by Jack Wolf Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jack Wolf
    “Gladly,” I replied. “Where are your Gypsies? Are they gone ahead to wait upon the Road and rob us as we pass?”
    “No, Tristan. You are too suspicious. The Brothers are gone to the Stables and the Sister is here. Do you not see her?”
    Nathaniel indicated the Seat nearest to the dying Fire, and suddenly, almost it seemed because he had shewn me where to look, the Girl appeared.
    I had not seen her clearly before. I had only heard her Song. Distracted by the general Excitement of the Assembly, I had taken a fleeting Impression of some Body small and dark, and not particularly handsome. Now that I had the Chance to examine her more closely, I could tell that she was, in Truth, very beautifull. Her Hair was in its every Strand as black as mine, but it shone in the coal Light like the Sky shortly after Dusk, reflecting Shades of deepest indigo. Upon her Ears, which were pointed, almost like a Cat’s, she wore seven golden Hoops, that clashed and glittered as she turned her slender Neck and looked upon me. Her Skin was as white as Indian Ivory. I caught a flash of blackthorn Eyes framed by long, heavy Lashes. For a Second she gazed right at me. Her Lips were Blood bright as they parted; I could see her Teeth, perfect white, sharp as Nathaniel’s.
    About her Shoulders, she had pinned a black woollen Shawl fringed with scarlet and gold. Her Gown was the Colour of Chalk, and embroidered with an intricate Tracery of Leaves and Flowers.
    “What is her Name, Nathaniel?” I asked.
    “You must ask her yourself. I am not at Liberty to give it. I shall offer you a Word in Warning, tho’; do not give her yours.”
    “As if I were in the Habit of telling my Name to Gypsy Sluts,” I said, although I could not in all Honesty guess what Nathaniel was trying to imply. “But she is uncommon handsome.”
    “She would be happy to return to Shirelands with us.”
    “Egad, yes,” I said instantly, without thinking. “Oh, but what of her Brothers, Nat? They will never permit it.”
    “She is the Rule by which they abide. An she decide to do a Thing, they will never oppose it.”
    The Gypsy turned her Face to me again. Surely, I thought, she is by far the prettiest Girl in the whole of Berkshire, let alone the Assembly. I wondered if Nathaniel had previously been sitting with her upon the fireside Seat. A small Spark of Envy flickered in my Bowels. I looked into her black Eyes and the Spark began to flame. I remembered the clear blue Arc of her Song, stretching sinuously over the mortal Gabble of the Crowd. One pure Note, viscerally thrilling, as painfull as it was beautifull.
    “Yes, Nat,” I said. “We will take her home.”
    Nathaniel had the pony-Chaise brought from the Yard, and while he drove the Gypsy sate upon my Lap. I understood now from the easy Familiarity of their Discourse that they were more than Kin. Indeed, I could not doubt but that the Gypsy Girl was Nathaniel’s Mistress, and that their Arrangement must be of considerable Duration and Standing. That they had been murmuring together in the Hadean Darkness of the upper Room was now more than Conjecture; I was certain of it. Every Expression upon the Countenance of one was reflected upon the other; every movement echoed. Yet if the Thing they shared was Love, it was Love of aSpecies previously unknown to me, for the Gypsy made it clear by minute Gestures that the present Target of her Affections was not Nathaniel, but My Self; and Nathaniel shewed as plainly in his own Looks that he both knew and approved of her Design. He was neither jealous nor possessive, nor would he seek to curb her wild Behaviour, Mistress or Lover or Whore or whatever she was.
    I placed my Hands upon her Ribcage to steady her as the Chaise lurched and jolted thro’ the darkling Night. For a Time I could detect no Heartbeat, then, finally, I thought I found it, the rhythmic Thud of vital Force. I closed mine Eyes and pictured the convulsing Organ beneath the sixth and seventh

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