The Reaper: No Mercy
mistake going out by myself, and should have waited, but if not for the Reaper here I would have been another sex slave for those assholes." This last part was hissed, and her hand instinctively reached upward and touched Jason's lightly, seeking reassurance. The Reaper mildly noted that Bill’s expression had immediately changed to one of anger as he witnessed her subconscious act, and squeezed her hand softly before pulling his own back.
    As the others sized him up, Janet's story came out along with the Reaper’s role in saving her life. There was heavy skepticism amongst the others at first, but Janet's vehement attitude and no-nonsense demeanor showed the Reaper that she would not have any lasting effects from her encounter. Her execution of the last of the would-be rapists was a Godsend, and that he considered a good sign. Her fiery account soon had the others nodding and smiling in return as they gazed at the Reaper, who grunted, for this little spitfire girl reminded him of someone he had saved recently, but again he shrugged those thoughts off as one of the men finally stepped forward, hand outstretched. The Reaper shook the strong grip with one of his own and listened as the man spoke.
    "Thank you for saving Janet, Reaper. My name is Scott, and you’re welcome here. Please come to the back, have a seat, and tell us about yourself." He led the way as Janet grabbed the Reaper’s arm and pulled him along.
    "So that's where we stand. We would love to help, but we're not trained professionals," Scott said as he finished recounting their group's adventures. For the last forty-five minutes, Scott had filled Jason in on their adventures. Some from Paris, and others that had drifted in needing sactuary, and in return the Reaper had told the small group of the outside world, and the happenings in Paris, Missouri, of which they were not aware. They were dismayed, but like both other groups considered themselves too small to make a difference, or even take a direct hand. Jason knew better and intended to prove it. First, though, he had to get in contact with the remaining two groups outside the influence of the marauders. He needed to know their numbers first before a plan could be put into motion.
    "I understand, but these minions of the Devil will not go away and they'll find you sooner than later. You are on borrowed time."
    "Well, we might have to relocate then. Jason, we are only six men and a dozen and a half women, along with more children than you would believe. Only two of the men and one of the women are ex-military. We don't have the resources you need to clean this group out."
    "I understand. Let me talk to the last two groups who have been identified to me, and I will get back to you. Remember, Scott. The Lord brought us together for a reason. An evil presence here, in this city, needs to be put down. God would not have started us on this mission if we were not enough, or if we did not have the strength to succeed." The Reaper's last words were said with the strong passion of belief, and the others appeared taken aback at his vehemence.
    The Reaper now stood at the back door of the office complex, one of the men having shown him the hidden way out. As he prepared to leave, Janet approached him.
    "Reaper." The words were said softly and she held her hands out to him. Slowly he reached out to grasp them in his own rougher hands while holding them gently. Her blue eyes were large as she gazed up into his face, then stood on her tiptoes to kiss the side of his cheek beneath its beard. He smiled down at her as she spoke.
    "Thank you again for saving my life. Maybe someday I can repay the favor." Her voice faltered as she looked down, and then continued in the same soft voice. "I always thought I was one tough bitch and more clever than most. Today was a rude awakening." She sighed heavily and started to speak again, but the Reaper hushed her. His mind traveled back in time to his family, and then

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