The Curvy Sister (A BBW Erotic Romance)

Free The Curvy Sister (A BBW Erotic Romance) by Jordan Bell

Book: The Curvy Sister (A BBW Erotic Romance) by Jordan Bell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jordan Bell
hope.” He rubbed his eyes and settled back down into his pillow. We were so
close I could feel the heat on his skin. “I don’t know, it sounds ridiculous.
It’s an engine of change and it’s amazing what can happen when you put that
many minds in one place. I like being a part of that.”
    “You sound like you miss it.”
    “I do.” He traced the
contours of my face with his eyes and briefly his fingertips hardened against
my hip as if he were about to pull me to him. “I miss Castle Creek when I am
away. They are both home.”
    “How long are you staying? I
mean, you have a life you have to get back to, right?” The question on my mind
for weeks came tumbling out before I could shove the words back in.
    I didn’t want to know. I did.
I didn’t.
    Jason opened his eyes again.
His smile vanished behind his serious gaze. “You mean, do I have a girlfriend I
have to get back to? Several maybe?”
    Color flushed my cheeks hot
and dropped my heart into my toes. I lowered my eyes to stare at the white
sheet between us, a sliver of space an ocean wide.
    “I didn’t mean that.”
    “I was a kid, Cass. In high
school? I was a dumb kid who had all these beautiful girls throwing themselves
at him and all these people clamoring for his attention. His approval. That kid
didn’t know what he was doing. He was foolish and had no idea what to do with
girls anyway. Hey.” He put his hand on my face and tilted my chin up so that I
was forced to meet his eyes. Even gentle, his grip was strong. “I am a grown
man now, not a foolish boy. I don’t have anyone in New York and I haven’t been
with anyone else since I’ve been home.”
    I blushed and caught his
thumb against my lips and kissed it. “I’m sorry. It’s not even any of my
business. I like that this is uncomplicated. I need that. I guess I still see
you as the boy I knew you used to be. I thought…I don’t know. I don’t know what
I thought.”
    Jason slid in closer so that
there was no more space between us. He stroked his thumb across my lips and
watched closely as it mapped its course. “Tell me what you thought.”
    My breath caught. The way his
rumbling voice went straight down my spine to concentrate between my legs left
me feeling electrified.
    “God, Jason, I don’t want to
tell you.” I swallowed and tried to pull away from his influence but he held me
still and trapped and his eyes didn’t blink as he waited for my admission. “I
thought you mustn’t have changed if you were willing to sleep with me .”
    There. Embarrassment made it
hard to breathe. I hated him knowing I was weak against my own self-doubt.
    In one swift movement he had
me on my back and straddled my hips. His erection, even after hours of sticky
wet sex, began to harden against my stomach.
    “Willing? Understatement.”
    The shrill vibration of
Jason’s cell phone clattering across the night stand brought his kisses to an
agonizing halt. He sighed against my mouth and rolled off. He snatched up the
phone when it started shrilling a second time.
    “Hey, it’s me. Everything
ok?” He settled on the edge of the bed with his back to me. I resisted the urge
to run my fingers along his body as long as I could and while he listened
patiently to the voice on the other end of the phone line, I climbed onto my
knees and strung my fingertips across the flat planes of his shoulders. He
arched cat-like in response, a soft hiss escaping through his teeth before he
reached and captured my wrist over his shoulder to hold me still.
    After a quiet hmm , he
released me suddenly and sat up.
     “He what ? No, tell
Tommy to go to hell, but don’t let Garton shoot him. I’m on my way. I’ll
be there in less than ten minutes.”
    Jason ruffed his hair
aggressively and hunched forward into the phone. Tension rippled across his
    “It’s really not your
business where I’m at. Deal with it until I get there.”
    Jason hung up on the caller,
probably Jonathan, and

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