The Adventures of Lazarus Gray

Free The Adventures of Lazarus Gray by Barry Reese

Book: The Adventures of Lazarus Gray by Barry Reese Read Free Book Online
Authors: Barry Reese
Tags: Pulp, pulp adventure, barry reese
degrees in the space of
mere seconds. Goodwill glanced down to see that his breath was now
visible, emerging from his mouth in tiny clouds of carbon dioxide.
Goodwill took out a cigar and lit it, using the expensive smoke as
a calming influence.
    A humanoid figure took
shape beside him. The smell of cinnamon filled Goodwill’s nostrils,
overwhelming even the acrid odor of his cigar. He kept his eyes
straight ahead, however, refusing to turn and look at
    "Do you have something for
me to do?" a feminine voice said and Goodwill felt his resolve
weakening. When he’d summoned this demon, he’d expected almost
anything besides what he’d gotten. A female with a seductive voice
and a body to kill for… but a face that was so horrid that even one
glance meant that you’d forever see it when you closed your eyes at
night. Her name was Sazar and she was a blood demon, one who
relished sex and death in equal amounts. "I grow tired of walking
invisibly at your side."
    "It’s what I want of you.
If people see you, it’s going to cause problems."
    A soft foot began to rub
against his leg. "Don’t you like me, Malcolm?"
    "Of course I do. But now
isn’t the time." Goodwill stood up, taking a long drag on his
    "I need to eat," the demon
said petulantly. "I haven’t killed in days. Why didn’t you let me
sup on Harry Nance? You wasted all that blood."
    Goodwill didn’t answer at
first. He had kept her at bay because he’d sensed his hold on her
was slipping. He needed the stolen pages from the Codex Gigas to
renew his power. Without it, she could easily slip her bonds and
turn on him. He wondered if she could tell that her leash was
growing ever longer. "I’ll let you feast this evening," he said.
"Now be gone!"
    Sazar rose from the couch
and rubbed his shoulders. He could smell her soft skin and a part
of him yearned to take her. But the thought of her face was too
much for him and slowed the rush of blood that she always brought
on. "There are other things I hunger for as well. Can you promise
to satisfy those desires as well?" she teased.
    "Of course. With relish."
Goodwill reached up to squeeze her hand. A knock at the door made
him pause and he quietly hissed. "Vanish. Now."
    Sazar withdrew her hands
but he could hear the challenge in her voice. "One of these days
you’ll recognize my power, Malcolm. I’m not your toy."
    Goodwill ignored her,
walking toward the door and peering through the peephole. A skinny
young brunette was standing there, wearing a threadbare green
dress. Her hair was soaked from the morning rain.
    "Harry? You in there?" she
asked. She knocked again. "Let me in if you are. I’m drenched to
the bone."
    A girlfriend, Goodwill
mused. There was always the chance she might know something. He’d
have to silence her afterward, though. He couldn’t run the risk of
her talking to the cops or telling anyone about the things he’d be
quizzing her over. He cast one glance over his shouler to make sure
that Sazar was invisible and then he opened the door, reaching out
quickly to grab the girl and yank her inside. "Come in, my
    "Who are you?" she asked,
staring at the ruined apartment in shock.
    "I could ask the same of
    "My name’s Doris. I’m
Harry’s girlfriend."
    "Then I’m sorry for your
    "What are you talking
about? Where’s Harry?"
    "My name is Malcolm
Goodwill. Harry might have mentioned me. I’m his employer. Or was,
to be precise."
    "Why do you keep talking
like that?" Doris suddenly put a hand over her mouth. "Has
something happened to Harry?"
    "He’s dead. I’d imagine if
it were not already in the papers, it will be soon. He was cut up
last night. Had more holes in him than a hunk of Swiss
    "Oh my god." Doris looked
as if she was about to cry but Goodwill tossed her onto the couch
and her head seemed to clear. She looked around at the apartment,
noticing how it had been rifled through. "What’s going on here?"
she asked.
    "Your boyfriend

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