The Furies

Free The Furies by Mark Alpert

Book: The Furies by Mark Alpert Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mark Alpert
Tags: Young Adult,, ScreamQueen
the whole thing ahead of time? Meeting me at the bar, wearing sexy clothes?”
    She nodded. “It took some preparation. I knew you might get suspicious if I approached you from out of the blue. So I went to the job fair and made sure you saw me there.” Ariel reddened and turned away from the mirror. “I apologize for lying to you. I never went to college or studied social work. And I lied about the birth-control pills. I’m obviously not using any contraceptives.”
    This was too much. John was finally getting angry at her. “You were going to get pregnant and then disappear? And never even tell me about my own child?”
    â€œWe have good reasons for our rules. We have to protect our community.”
    â€œProtect you from what? I don’t get this at all. How many people have you tricked this way?”
    Ariel looked at him in the mirror again. Her eyes were wet. “I’m sorry, John. In most cases it isn’t this painful. We carefully plan these encounters to ensure that they’re casual and quick. The contact with the paramours is brief, so they usually don’t become too emotionally attached.”
    â€œBut something went wrong in my case, didn’t it? Who the hell were the people shooting at us?”
    She raised her hand and wiped her eyes. When she looked at him again, her face was composed and businesslike. “They were once members of our community, but they turned against us. They left Haven and formed a new group, with its own rules and goals. Over the past year they’ve instigated several violent confrontations. But I promise you, we weren’t expecting an attack last night.”
    John remembered a name he’d heard during the gunfight. “And the leader of this group is someone named Sullivan?”
    She frowned. The name seemed to make her uncomfortable. “That’s enough. We shouldn’t talk about this any further.”
    â€œWhy not? I need to know what’s going on. What are you fighting over?”
    â€œTrust me, John. I’d be putting you in danger if I said too much.”
    â€œReally? I don’t see how my situation could get any worse.”
    â€œYou still have a chance of surviving. I’m trying to keep you alive. You need to drive me to Michigan as quickly as possible. Once I’ve returned to Haven, the men who attacked us in Brooklyn will no longer have any interest in pursuing you.”
    John let out an exasperated grunt. “So you expect me to drive you across the country, but you won’t tell me who’s chasing us? Or why?”
    â€œIf you don’t like it, stop the car and let me out.” Her eyes narrowed and her voice turned harsh. “I’ll find another way to get home.”
    â€œCome on, that’s ridiculous. You have two broken legs. How will you—”
    â€œI’ll crawl if I have to. Just stop the car.”
    John had reached the part of the expressway where it crossed over the Schuylkill River. There was no shoulder on the side of the road here. He couldn’t have stopped even if he’d wanted to. Instead he followed the signs to I-76 West. “All right, have it your way. I’ll shut up and drive. Can I ask for directions at least?”
    She gave him a smile. A very small, fleeting smile, but still lovely. “Stay on the interstate until you get to exit 328A. Then take Route 422 to Valley Forge. We need to pick up some supplies before we head for Michigan.”
    â€œI don’t have any cash left. I spent my last thirteen dollars on your herbs.”
    â€œDon’t worry. I know where to get some money.”
    John wanted to ask her about this—she didn’t have a wallet or a purse or a bank card, so how the hell could she get cash?—but he stopped himself. He had a more important question for her. “I just need to know one thing,” he said. “Why did you choose me?”
    She didn’t respond for

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