Dare (Finding Love Book 1)

Free Dare (Finding Love Book 1) by Emma Lynn

Book: Dare (Finding Love Book 1) by Emma Lynn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Emma Lynn
purge my breakfast. Afterwards, I scrub my teeth four times and wash my trembling lips until they crack and bleed. Don’t let him get to you. He won’t really hurt you.
    “Jen-Jen! Come in here, I need another beer!” he orders, the usual anger back in his voice.
    Wincing, I close the door behind me and head back into the kitchen, completing the same process before heading back into the living room. If his shoe wasn’t on the floor, I would have made it to the couch. Instead, I tumble, spilling the brown drink everywhere. Nervously, I stay put on the floor, waiting for it…
    “Get up you worthless piece of shit! You can’t do anything right, can you?” he screams over me, his face purple. Before I can rise up, he swings his foot out, connecting with my ribs. Grunting in pain, silent tears roll down my face. “Go to your room!”
    Scrambling, I make a beeline for my bedroom. Please don’t follow. Please... My wishing gets me nowhere though, and he follows me into my room. I hide in the corner, wishing some more that I could disappear forever. As he removes his thick belt, I close my eyes and wait for the pain I know will come.
    Panting, I sit up. I take a few deep breathes and I take stock, noting that I’m sweaty, my head is pounding and my throat is sore. Blinking away the grainy vision, the room slowly comes into focus. I frown, realizing that it isn’t mine. Where the hell am I? I try to think back to what I last remember, but it’s hazy. Why can’t I remember anything?
    The room I’m in is small and ordinary. With brown walls, a brown carpet, a dresser, and a bed, nothing screams personal. There is nothing else to help pinpoint where I am. No pictures, clothes lying out or books. The blankets are super soft and dark blue, the only color in this room.
    I slip the covers off and stand up, smoothing down my wrinkly skirt. Like that, everything comes back to me, and I shiver. The text, the lights flickering, and the panic attack. That was the worst one I’ve had. There is no way he was actually there - inside - the library, but how did he know about my skirt? Another thought strikes me, and my teeth dig into my trembling lips. What if he’s been following me? I can’t put it past him; it sounds like something he’d do. I groan. This is not what I need.
    With wide eyes, I glance around the room. This whole time… so he’s not a student? Before I blacked out, it was Dare’s face I saw. Spotting a basket by the bed, I see a familiar blue jumpsuit. He’s the janitor?
    Before I can figure out how to get out of here, the door slowly opens. I frantically look around, but there is nothing to use in defense. Dancing with this guy was one thing, but to be alone in his house - where ever that may be? I stand as far away from the door as I can and wait, panic-stricken.
    He peeks inside, looking to the bed in confusion before frowning as his eyes finally land on me. Stiffly, he remains near the door. “You shouldn’t be out of bed.”
    Tilting my chin up, I shrug. “I shouldn’t even be in your bed.”
    He nods once, eyes moving over me critically. “Touché, but then again, I’m not the one who passed out.” He sighs and runs his hand through his dark hair before settling back on me. “Okay, you fainted and I had no idea where to take you. You didn’t have a phone with you or a wallet. Tell me if I’m wrong, but I figure you wouldn’t want to have gone to the police station.”
    I watch him warily. How does he know that? And no phone? I must have left it on the cart. “No, you’re right. I wouldn’t have liked that.” We stare at each other, his eyes dark and non-expressive, mine full of curiosity and weariness. “Uh, thanks. For helping me out,” I clarify.
    He looks away, scratching the back of his head. “No problem. I was there.” He shrugs helplessly.
    I nod. “Right. Well, I should probably go home.” I wait for him to step away from the door, but when he doesn’t, I frown.

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