her, eased away a little bit, and listened.
“I showed them the blueprints, but they did not handle them. Nobody’s handled the originals but us. I told them I’d get them a set to work off of soon. And then I went to Port Huron and got the copies made.”
He took his arms away from her and lay face up on his pillows. She peeked up to see his reaction. His eyes were closed and he was quiet, but he nodded.
“What’s the builder’s name?”
“Sam something. I have his card in my purse.” She had no idea where she’d left her purse. Daniel didn’t move when she said the builder’s name, but she felt a gap widen between them. He was not happy, but neither was he going to put up a fight. He was going to let her do things her way. Now was probably not the perfect time to tell him the other news, but she felt she should. He had to know. “And Bob moved in.”
“What?” His head shot up from the pillows, he frowned at her, then got up from the bed, pacing the floor. She felt stupid on the bed alone so she got up on the other side. He continued pacing as she twisted the buttons of her shirt closed. She could tell from his pacing that he was not happy right now. Not one bit.
“He found this girl hitchhiking on the highway, and he moved her into a cottage and then took another one next to her. They didn’t ask me, they did the whole thing while I was getting the blueprints copied in Port Huron. He said he could oversee the cottage renovations better if he stayed on site.”
“So send him home.”
“I tried that already. I told them the cottages weren’t ready, that I wasn’t set up yet for other people living on the premises, that I didn’t have the cash to pay a maid. They stonewalled me every time. I had no idea teenagers could be so stubborn.”
“Welcome to my world.”
“So what else can I do?”
“Fire him.”
“I can’t! I need him. He’s working wonders on my cottages. They’ll be finished in another week or so.”
Daniel shook his head.
“Those cottages aren’t near ready for occupation yet!”
“I know. That’s what I thought, but Peach is all set; I checked it out before I came here. And Bob claims he’s got two more that’ll do for now. Apparently he outfitted them with beds and things from the rooms here.”
Daniel struggled to get his emotions under control. What they were exactly, she couldn’t say. So she guessed.
“You’ve been a father to Bob all these years. This must be so difficult. Or, maybe, is it the furniture?”
“It’s not the furniture,” he said. “I did the best I could, but apparently, it wasn’t good enough. I mean, he’s leaving in the fall anyway. Maybe I should just let him go.”
Great. Now the problem of what to do with the teenagers was back in her lap. She didn’t see a way out. “I am so not equipped for this.”
“It was the same for me. Not a choice. The situation was forced on me. Parenthood at twenty. I wasn’t ready for it. Maybe you never are.”
But she had been ready to have children with Marcus, who had grown children and had not been interested in starting a second family. Of course he hadn’t told her that. For years he’d let her believe in the possibility, listening to her talk about kids and family with an indulgent, pleasant look on his face. When pressed, he’d even say the word “someday” when she’d ask if he could see them having children together. Liar.
Eva and Daniel looked at each other over opposite sides of the bed. Something had almost happened here. Just minutes ago she would have sworn they had started a relationship. And maybe they still could. Maybe he’d stop pacing and start kissing again soon.
“My parenting days are almost over anyway.” He stopped pacing at the door to the bedroom. “So in a way, it’s a relief.” He started walking out of the room. She had no choice but to follow him down the stairs. Kissing over for now.
He stood at the massive front doors. Time for her to leave.