Ride with the Wind [The Ghost Riders 1]

Free Ride with the Wind [The Ghost Riders 1] by Marla Monroe

Book: Ride with the Wind [The Ghost Riders 1] by Marla Monroe Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marla Monroe
Tags: Romance
have to get back out again. I figure it will be about noon, but you need to be flexible. It will depend on when they finish her discharge paperwork and she can get here.”
    “I’ll plan on being here about eleven and wait. I didn’t lay a finger on her yesterday or last night, much less beat her and rape her.”
    “I know, Rhodes. I know. Don’t be late tomorrow.” He stood up and gathered his papers together. “You’re free to go, but don’t leave town until this is cleared up.”
    The three of them stood up and filed out of the room without saying anything. When they walked outside, it was to find their guys facing off with eight of Satan’s Sons out on the street. Dominic wanted to pull out a gun and fire it in the air to get their attention. Instead, he walked through the middle and stopped to stare at the unruly bunch.
    “Show’s over. Go back to your holes and settle down.” Dominic pushed through the group.
    “The hell it is. He’s still walking around. He should be in jail for what he did to Jessie,” one of the group said, stepping up through the crowd.
    “What did he do? He was with us when that took place. Our surveillance cameras will show that he didn’t leave the area that night.”
    “Yeah, tapes can be doctored.”
    “Come on, guys, let’s head back.” Dominic climbed on his bike and started it.
    “I’m going to see about Jessie.” Rhodes started his bike.
    “You show your face there, you’re asking for trouble, Rhodes.” Reece stared at him.
    “Hospital?” Vernon looked over at Rhodes. “We won’t cause any trouble.”
    “Hell, we’ll all go then.” Dominic pulled out of the parking spot and headed toward the hospital.
    Maybe with a show of force they could get in and out without bloodshed. He sure as hell hoped so. The hospital wasn’t somewhere he wanted to start a fight.
    When they walked into the front entrance, one of Satan’s Sons was standing there waiting for them.
    “You might as well turn your fruity asses around and leave. You’re not coming in.”
    “Step aside. We’re here to see Jessie, and we’re not leaving until we do.” Vernon and Rhodes stepped into the other guy’s space and looked down on him.
    The other man kept his hands out by his sides, as if wanting to pull a gun. Finally he stepped out of the way.
    “Tussler ain’t going to let you see his sister.”
    “That’s our problem. Not yours.” Vernon led the way, with Rhodes on his heels.
    They walked to the end of the hall and hooked a left to stop at the nurse’s desk to get a room number.
    “There’s already too many in there now. I can’t let you in.”
    “Don’t worry, they’re leaving when we get there,” Rhodes assured her.
    She shook her head and followed them as they made their way to Jessie’s room. They looked like a mini parade as they walked down the hall. Dominic was glad they hadn’t been put on her no visitor list. Evidently no one had thought to do it.
    Sure enough, there were two of Satan’s Sons standing outside the door. They immediately stepped in front of the door.
    “You might as well move aside. We’re going in whether you’re still around to see it or not.”
    Dominic winced at Rhodes’s words. Threatening them wasn’t the smart thing to do. It didn’t work anyway. They remained where they were.
    “I’m going in to check my patient. Let me by.” The nurse looked up at the two men and frowned at them. They stepped aside for her to push through the door but moved right back after she had passed through.
    There was a commotion on the other side and a lot of yelling. It was obvious that Jessie wanted to see Vernon and Rhodes. She and Tussler were arguing. Dominic winced when he heard the nurse threaten to call security. Yep, it was going to turn into a clusterfuck for sure. Then the nurse emerged, followed by two men.
    “You can go in for a few minutes to see her. If you upset her, I will make sure you don’t get to see her again.”
    Rhodes and

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