A Lady And Her Magic
he said. But then he sighed heavily, a sigh of resignation, and caught her hand in his tight grip. He brought it to his lips and pressed a long kiss against her knuckles. “Why are you here, Miss Thorne?” he asked, his eyes boring into hers.
    “To get you to kiss me, Your Grace. Why else?” She tried to keep from smiling but was unable. She pointed to the left corner of her mouth and tapped it gently. “You kissed me here.” Then she tapped the other side of her mouth. “And here.” She leaned closer to his lips. “And you keep calling me Miss Thorne,” she whispered heartily.
    He looked at her from beneath heavy-lidded lashes. Then he leaned forward, as though to kiss her soundly. He was fully intent upon the task and smashed into her cheek when she turned her head at the last moment. A laugh rose from deep within her belly.
    “Think you’re clever, do you?” he growled as he squeezed her tightly. There was playfulness beneath that gruff exterior. And she fully wanted to explore it.
    “Not nearly as clever as you.”
    “I’m not clever enough, unfortunately. Because I cannot figure out how to kiss a lady who has slipped into my bedchamber in the dead of night.” He swore lightly beneath his breath. She thought she heard him mention being a dolt, but she wasn’t certain.
    “Don’t be too hard on yourself. I can’t determine a way to get you to continue playing.” She laughed despite herself. She couldn’t determine whether she wanted him to kiss her more or to play. Neither was conducive to her mission. Unpardonable Error Number Five: Never, ever fall in love with a human. She snorted. Like that would ever happen.
    “Is something amusing?” he asked, his head tilting to the side as he regarded her.
    “Not in the least.”
    “I distinctly heard you snort, Miss Thorne.”
    “Sophia, Your Grace,” she corrected. She’d get him to say it if it was the last thing she ever did.
    “Ashley, Sophia,” he whispered with a large grin. She’d never had such an odd conversation in her life.
    “Ashley,” she breathed, drawing his name out, enjoying the sound of it on her lips for as long as she could. “No one has called you that in a long time?”
    “A very long time,” he said with a quick nod.
    Sophia leaned her forehead against his and stayed there until he began to tickle her waist. “Stop!” she cried over her laughter.
    “Stop… don’t stop…” he teased. “You really should make up your mind.”
    She stilled within his grasp. She might be at his home to help his daughter, but to do so, she might have to help him as well. What would be the harm in allowing the duke to kiss her? Not nearly as much harm as having him play for her, obviously. She caught both his hands in hers and squeezed gently. “I wish I could tell you why I’m here,” she said softly. Then almost wished she could bite the words back. She could easily erase his memory with her dust. But that would be a travesty.
    “I should escort you back to your room,” he said with resignation.
    She’d offended him by being candid about her desire to reveal herself to him. But he had no way of knowing that’s what she meant, did he? Now he probably thought she purposefully kept secrets from him. And to tell him more would serve no purpose, aside from easing her own conscience. It would allow her to grow even closer to him. That would not be a good thing. “I imagine I can’t linger here on your lap all night.”
    “That would be an impossibility.” He sighed deeply. “You’re not safe in here.”
    “Oh, posh.” She chastised him with a gentle slap on his shoulder. “I’m perfectly safe with you.”
    “You’re in my lap, dearest, and have been for more than a few minutes.”
    It felt like a lifetime. Like it could be a lifetime. “And you haven’t harmed me. You make it sound like you’re some great beast with no self-control.”
    “Self-control can only take one so far,” he said with a grunt.
    She took a deep

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