Promised Land

Free Promised Land by Marita Conlon-Mckenna

Book: Promised Land by Marita Conlon-Mckenna Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marita Conlon-Mckenna
over it, so the best thing is to let Brian have it. He loves Rathmullen, all he has ever wanted was to work this farm with his daddy, you know that.’
    Ella didn’t know what to say. There was sense and logic to what her aunt was saying. Already her cousins fought over the stupidest thing, so she couldn’t imagine what it would be like if her uncle and aunt were not around to keep the peace between them. But how would Teresa and Constance and Kitty and Marianne and Slaney really feel about it when the time came? Had her aunt and uncle even bothered to get their opinion?
    ‘My daddy, your grandfather, did the same to myself and Maeve. He left Fintra, the farm we grew up on, to Martin. Maeve and I were mad about it at first. I wept buckets, I was that hurt and upset. You know how attached I am to the old place, Ella. I suppose it’s only with time I’ve realized and accepted that decision. The farm and land are important, don’t get me wrong. I’d kill anyone who laid claim to Rathmullen, but do you know something Ella dote, if one of my children had cried or called for me, I wouldn’t have given a damn about the stock, or the crops in the field, or the hole in the roof of the barn, for my children are more precious to me than anything else in this life. If little Sean Patrick had screamed or got himself upset over something today, why likely there might have been no roast dinner for you all to enjoy. Do you understand what I’m trying to tell you, Ella? There’ll be other things to fill your life. The land might have made you hard, killed that fine spirit of yours. Let Liam have it.’
    Ella didn’t know what to say, she felt cold and shivery. Her aunt didn’t understand at all. There was nothing else in her life now except for the farm. She would never forgive her father for what he had done, for the choice that he had made.
    ‘I don’t know what to do, Aunt Nance. I’m not sure I want to stay living with Carmel and Liam any more.’
    ‘I hope they haven’t been trying to put you out of the place. Jack and I wouldn’t stand for it, Ella.’
    ‘No, it’s not that. I love Fintra, but I just don’t think I can stay there any more now I know that it’s theirs. It hurts too much.’
    Her aunt stroked her hair. ‘Poor old pet. You know you are always welcome to stay here for as long as you like, but that’s not really the answer, is it?’
    Ella took a deep breath, for she knew that too.
    ‘Would you go away?’
    She had to admit she’d been thinking about it.
    ‘Kitty loves Dublin, would you consider moving there? You know that she’s just got this new flat, which is costing her an arm and a leg, and is looking for flatmates. Would you share with Kitty?’
    Ella thought about it. Even though she and her cousin were very different, they had always got along fine over the years.
    ‘Jack says things are bad in Dublin, doom and gloom and unemployment, but Kitty managed to find something. If everyone’s getting the boat to England and emigrating surely there must be some jobs left! Ella, maybe you’d be lucky like Kitty and find something you like. Moping around here is going to do you no good; unless there is some reason to stay!’
    Ella shook her head. ‘I’ve no reason to stay.’
    ‘Are you sure, pet? Did I hear something about you and that Flanagan boy?’
    Ella swallowed hard. Slaney and her gossip. ‘Sean and I are just good friends, that’s all, Aunt Nance.’
    ‘Then there’s nothing holding you back, pet. You were so good to poor Martin, looking after him. I’ve never seen such a devoted daughter, honest to God I haven’t, but now it’s high time you thought of yourself. I’ll write to Kitty straight away and tell her to expect you.’
    Ella smiled, almost laughing to herself at what she had agreed. Moving to Dublin and sharing a flat with Kitty, she must be mad!
    ‘And do you know something, Ella, love, Jack and I will be so happy to think of you there keeping an eye on

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