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Book: Cooper by Liliana Hart Read Free Book Online
Authors: Liliana Hart
they wouldn’t do for the job. And then he caught the eye of the Special Agent in Charge of this whole operation, sitting at the bar nursing a beer and ignoring the women who were practically throwing themselves in his very dangerous path.
    Cade MacKenzie made Cooper look like a teddy bear on his best days. Cade was Cooper’s first cousin and the reason he was involved in this whole mess to begin with. Cade’s mouth quirked at the corner and he tipped his beer in Cooper’s direction.
    Cade MacKenzie was going to owe him a hell of a favor once they had Morda behind bars where he belonged. All they had to do was catch the bastard and seize the merchandise. You’d think it would be simple, but Morda had slipped through their fingers for three years.
    When Cade had approached him asking if he’d like to be a part of the undercover team to take down Rafael Morda—along with other hand selected members from all different areas of law enforcement—Cooper had been all for it. It had given him a life outside of Surrender, Montana, and it put him in the middle of a sexual climate he happened to enjoy. Or used to enjoy .
    Three years in Club Dominique had given him a taste of the freedom he’d wanted and a yearning for the mundane he’d once been bored by. He was getting too old for this shit. The things he’d been a part of in his twenties lacked appeal now that he was in his thirties. And some of the women in this place were just damned crazy.
    He shot Cade a narrowed look and sighed tiredly, turning his attention back to Renegade.
    “You know me, Ren. I’m always looking for a good sub. Though I think I’m looking for something a little different tonight.” Cooper grabbed a beer off a passing tray and took a long pull. “But you’re right. There is something in the air tonight.”
    When he’d first started coming to Club Dominique , Renegade was a man who’d taken his job seriously. He’d protected his clients identities and their safety—especially the safety of the subs, or submissives. Each member went through an extensive background check and anything shady was dealt with by dismissal from the club. The DEA had given Cooper a fake identity and all the paperwork to go with it so he could go undercover. He sometimes had moments when he wasn’t sure who the hell he was.
    But he’d developed a friendship of sorts with Renegade because it had become obvious real quick that something was going on inside Club Dominique. And Cooper was willing to bet that Morda had paid Renegade off handsomely to use the club as a drop spot for the drugs that had been trafficking through Montana and across the Canadian Border.
    “Who’s the girl sitting on Morda’s lap?” Cooper asked, wondering what name Claire had given at the door.
    “Her name’s Vixen. Don’t she have the finest tits you ever seen? I thought about taking her for a spin for myself, but I watched her awhile and decided to pass. You don’t want to go there if you’re lookin’ for a good sub, my friend. Look at the fire in her eyes. She’s not interested in Morda. His lap just happens to be the best place to check out the action. See how she’s scanning the club. There’s no way she’s a sub. She’s looking for a challenge.”
    Cooper controlled the natural instinct to bash Renegade’s face in at his crude appraisal of Claire. He needed to get out of this place, he thought again.
    “I’ll be the judge of that,” Coop said. “She’s not a member.”
    “No. She’s a guest of Angel’s.”
    Cooper gritted his teeth and narrowed his eyes in annoyance. Angel had been one of his previous lovers, which meant that Claire had befriended her purposefully for the sake of tracking him here. He knew Claire had had a crush on him when she was a kid. It was hard not to notice those dark eyes following him everywhere he went. It didn’t matter that somewhere along the way he’d started watching her as well.
    That didn’t mean he was comfortable

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