Spring River Valley: The Winter Collection (Boxed Set)

Free Spring River Valley: The Winter Collection (Boxed Set) by Clarice Wynter

Book: Spring River Valley: The Winter Collection (Boxed Set) by Clarice Wynter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Clarice Wynter
heated. She had brought one along, but she’d left it in her purse, which was down in the lobby with her coat. What must he think of —she stopped herself. Audrey’s voice played the refrain: He’s a guy. The only thing he’s thinking is how much he wants you.
    She smiled and sank into the cushions. “ I like a man who thinks of the little details.”
    He knelt beside her and caressed her arm, her cheek, with such reverence she wanted to cry. “You are so beautiful. The first second I saw you I was out of my mind. Every day for the past two weeks I couldn’t think straight because you’re in my head.”
    “Grant, shut up and kiss me!” She pulled him down to her and wrapped her arms around his neck. A second later her dress was gone, tossed in the pile with his shirt and tie. She offered him her right foot and he removed her shoe, then did the same with her left , and he helped her shimmy out of her nylons.
    He kissed her ankles, the backs of her knees, then ran gentle fingers up the insides of her thighs. She shuddered with the sensation and closed her eyes, biting her lip to keep from whimpering as he carefully peeled off her panties.
    “God, you’re amazing,” he whispered, adding a worshipping kiss to her navel. She shivered and reached for him, pulling him to her. Through half-closed lids, she watched their hands tangle at the button and zipper of his pants. She wanted to help, but her fingers were shaking and weak. He finally pushed her hands away. “It’s okay. I’ve got it.”
    She nodded, afraid to speak, terrified she’d say something to blow this perfect moment. Fortunately he got his pants off and the condom on and was kissing her again before she managed to form any words that might break the spell.
    She opened to him, needing the connection more than anything. He obliged, gently at first, tentative ly. Their eyes locked. He put himself inside her, and she sighed with the sensation and kissed him though a moan of pleasure.
    “Oh, my —Harper. God…” Grant began to move, slowly, with measured strokes as if he might be afraid to lose control. She guided him with her hips, urging him with kisses that became more demanding by the second.
    “I won’t break, Grant.”
    He buried his face in the crook of her neck and clutched her tightly, his body rigid and his breathing fast and hard. “You’ve already broken me.” After that he let go. The caveman in him surfaced, and he took her over the edge in three powerful strokes.
    She lay beneath him, panting, petting his hair and the taut skin of his shoulders while his heart raced with hers. The bridal suite had never looked so good.
    “Come home with me?” she said finally when he raised his head to meet her gaze.
    He smiled and ran a thumb over her bottom lip. “I thought you’d never ask.”

Chapter Nine
    Hours later Grant lay in Harper’s bed, watching the cold blue light of dawn turn slowly golden. She was curled beside him, her hair tickling his chest, her hand spread across his stomach. If anyone had predicted a few hours ago that he would wake up with this exquisite creature in his arms, he’d have thought they were crazy.
    She stirred , and he wrapped his arms around her and planted a kiss on her forehead. “Good morning.”
    She mumbled something, then her head popped up , and she looked at him. “Hi.” She seemed almost surprised to find him stretched out on her lavender sheets with her flowered comforter tucked under his chin.
    He raised a brow. “ Hi, I’m Grant. Maybe you don’t remember me, but we had sex about four times last night.”
    She moaned and ducked her head under her pillow. “This is why I’ve got to stop drinking in the middle of the week.”
    He waited a full second before diving under the covers to punish her for that irreverent remark. She shrieked while he tickled her , and the shrieks became moans of delight as he found other ways to make her repent. Before long her moans became sighs of

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