Blue Ridge: Vol. 1 - The New Boy

Free Blue Ridge: Vol. 1 - The New Boy by Sophia Gray

Book: Blue Ridge: Vol. 1 - The New Boy by Sophia Gray Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sophia Gray
~ The New Boy
    Vol. 1 ~
    “I really wish my parents could have sent me to a real college.”
    “This is a real college.”
    “Nadia, you’re always so accepting, and it irritates me.”
    Nadia smiled lightly and moved her book bag from one shoulder to the other. The hallway was narrow and packed with students trying to maneuver quickly in both directions. The semester had been in session for a week, but not everyone had a class on the first day. Nadia dodged a boy with thick glasses that had his head one inch from his class schedule. Kristen unfortunately didn’t dodge him. They ran into each other face first and the boy dropped his books while immediately mumbling, “Sorry”. Kristen gave him her most dramatic eye roll and sigh.
    “You should watch where you’re going!”
    “Sorry.” Was the only response he seemed to know, and he quickly moved away; straightening his glasses.
    “You can’t bring that tough girl attitude here, Kristen. Some of our fellow students are in their fifties.”
    “I know, right? I guess the “community” in community college is no joke.”
    “That’s right.” Nadia waved as her friend entered her class. Kristen had been Nadia's friend since seventh grade; as a matter of fact, her only friend ever. They were polar opposites. Nadia was olive skinned with straight black hair. She wore plain and baggy clothes to hide her boyish figure, whereas Kristen was pale with curly golden red hair and lively freckles to go with her lively personality. Her clothes usually fit like a second skin, which accentuated her voluptuous figure. Oh yes, Kristen was a favorite amongst the male species. Her constant battle with being a little heavy didn’t deter them at all. Nadia decided years ago that boys were a mystery, and not necessary for true existence.
    She descended the steps slowly into the basement. Her next class was Physics with Professor Deedle. Professor Deedle looked like someone straight out of a 1950’s ad. He always had a pocket protector and his glasses were black framed. He even wore a short sleeved white button down shirt with a black tie. And he also was a whiner. He whined when he talked. He whined when he laughed. It felt like nails on a chalk board to Nadia. She was quiet and thought everyone else should be too. All she truly enjoyed were found between the pages of books. Since she was old enough to sit and hold a book on her own, she had made sure one was always with her.
    The room was windowless and stuffy. Nadia went to her usual seat in the back. She was concentrating on the current assignment due when coldness settled over her. It wasn’t like a draft had entered the room. It was a war between temperatures. The feeling was chill fighting against pleasant warmth. She felt slightly confused and had the inexplicable fear of looking up from her book. Movement beside her indicated that someone had taken the seat to her right. She dared a sidelong glance and looked away after only seeing a glimpse of long pale arms.
    “Hello.” The voice was velvet; soft but strong. Nadia turned her head slowly and looked into the darkest green eyes she had ever seen. The room became a vacuum. For a moment there were no other sounds. All that existed were the eyes staring out from a perfect face. Her hands shook and her tongue seemed to swell. She knew she looked like a total moron. “Um, I missed the first couple classes. Were there notes I could copy?” Nadia numbly nodded her head and slid her notebook towards him. “Thanks!” he said cheerily. “My name’s Foster.”
    Nadia nodded and regained her self-composure. “I’m Nadia.”

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