To Capture a Duke's Heart

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Book: To Capture a Duke's Heart by Jennifer McNare Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jennifer McNare
excited.  It was a dance request, not a marriage proposal,” Penny reminded her friend with a lighthearted laugh.  “Besides, considering the circumstances, I’m certain he was merely being polite.”
    “I wouldn’t be so sure about that,” Eleanor responded animatedly, “for I saw the way he was looking at you last night.”
    Penny felt a sudden flutter in her stomach.  “Last night?”
    “During the recital.”
    “When we were talking, you mean?” Penny asked as they reached the base of the white, marble steps and began their ascent. 
    “Well yes, of course, but not only then,” she professed.  “It’s when you weren’t talking that he could hardly take his eyes off of you.”
    “Eleanor, don’t tease.”
    “I’m not teasing, I swear.”
    “Exaggerating then,” Penny suggested, fighting to keep her emotions in check for fear that Eleanor was mistaken. 
    “I’m not exaggerating either,” Eleanor insisted as they stepped onto the terrace.  “I think he’s quite taken with you.”
    Was it possible?    Despite Eleanor’s claim, Penny struggled to tamp down her excitement, not wishing to get her hopes up imprudently.
    “So tell me,” Eleanor said then, studying Penny’s face, “are you as taken with the duke as he appears to be with you?”
    Penny could feel her cheeks growing warm and silently cursed the telltale blushes that seemed to be plaguing her with increasing frequency.  “Well, I-”
    “Good afternoon, Ladies.”
    Penny’s head immediately swiveled to the right, as did Eleanor’s.  Focused upon their conversation, they hadn’t noticed the woman seated upon an umbrella-shaded chaise just a few short feet away.
    “Good afternoon, Your Grace,” they replied in unison, dropping into polite curtsies before the Dowager Duchess of Lyndon.
    “Lady Penelope,” the duchess beckoned, motioning to the empty chaise next to her as she and Eleanor rose from their curtsies, “do come sit with me a moment, won’t you.” 
    “Yes, of course, Your Grace.”  With a quick, sidelong glance at Eleanor, Penny moved to the cushioned chair.
    Turning her attention to Eleanor then, the duchess said, “Eleanor, dear, I do believe your mother was looking for you earlier.” 
    It was an obvious dismissal and one that Eleanor didn’t hesitate to heed.  “Thank you, Your Grace.  If you will excuse me, I’ll see what she may have needed.”  Executing another brief curtsey, Eleanor then hurried toward the nearest set of French doors leading into the rear of the castle.
    Sitting down alongside the duchess, Penny felt no small degree of trepidation as she settled upon the green and blue-striped cushioned seat; for she’d met the woman for only the first time the night before and their conversation had lasted but a few, short minutes.  Thus, she hadn’t the slightest notion as to why the duchess had singled her out just now. 
    Waiting until the doors had closed firmly behind Eleanor, the duchess then turned her pointed gaze to Penelope.  “Your father mentioned that you are about to make your debut.”
    “Yes, Your Grace.”
    “Your first Season; you must be terribly anxious to make your debut.”
    “Yes, I’m quite looking forward to it.”
    “Indeed?  And what is it, precisely, that you are looking forward to?” the duchess inquired, regarding Penny through discerning brown eyes.
    “Oh, well, I… there are a number of things I suppose,” Penny faltered, the question catching her off guard. 
    The duchess eyed her curiously.  “With the start of the Season just a few short weeks away, I’m rather surprised that you haven’t a detailed list at the ready, for I have rarely known a young lady in your position who can scarce think of anything else.”
    “Yes, you’re right of course.”  Penny offered the duchess a bright smile.  “I certainly don’t mean to seem less than enthusiastic.” 
    The duchess regarded her through shrewd, assessing eyes.  “And yet you

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