To Capture a Duke's Heart

Free To Capture a Duke's Heart by Jennifer McNare

Book: To Capture a Duke's Heart by Jennifer McNare Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jennifer McNare
mother by her side to help guide her as she made her way into Society’s midst she would have shared more of Eleanor’s excitement, but regrettably she did not.
    “Yes, a most wondrous adventure,” Eleanor proclaimed, noting Penny’s dubious expression. “And as neither of our fathers is seeking to marry us off straightaway, we shall be able to enjoy ourselves without feeling as though we must elicit no less than a dozen marriage proposals before the Season’s end.” 
    “Yes, I suppose that’s true.”   Penny managed a slight smile.  But even though her father might not be eager to marry her off, she had little doubt that her stepmother would do everything in her power to hasten the process, likely foisting her off upon the first man who offered for her if she had her way. 
    “We’re going to have a wonderful time, Penny, you’ll see.”
    “If you say so.” 
    “I do,” Eleanor asserted, giving Penny’s arm an affectionate squeeze.  “In any event, now that we are finally alone you must tell me all about breakfast.”
    “I saw you when I was passing by the breakfast room this morning, seated directly between the Duke of Ainsworth and the other Lord Ashcroft.”
    “Oh that.”
    “Yes, that .  Do tell?”  Her expression eager, Eleanor looked as though she expected to hear something sensational.
    “There isn’t much to tell really,” Penny replied with feigned nonchalance.  “We were eating our breakfast.  Or rather, Lord Ashcroft and I were eating our breakfast.  I believe the duke merely had coffee.”  Suppressing a grin, she watched as Eleanor’s face fell, her brows drawing together in obvious disappointment. 
    “Eating your breakfast?”  Eleanor regarded Penny as if she couldn’t possibly have heard her correctly.  “Penelope Houghton, you were seated between two of the most unbelievably handsome men on the continent, mayhap the entire planet, and that is all you have to say about it?”
    Penny smiled teasingly.  “Well… I suppose that isn’t all .” 
    “Tell me!”
    “Lord Ashcroft asked me to save him a dance this evening.”
    “Truly?”  Eleanor’s eyes went wide as Penny nodded, her expression a curious combination of excitement and unease.  “And did you agree?” 
    “Of course.”
    “You do realize that Rafael Ashcroft is a known rake and possesses one of the most scandalous reputations in all of England,” she proclaimed in a hushed tone.
    Thanks to Maryanne’s obsession with all things society-related, she did; for in addition to the London newspapers, every scandal sheet, gossip rag and tattle-telling broadsheet was delivered to Colchester and then promptly forwarded to the Beckford estate in North Essex each and every week.   “You needn’t worry,” Penny assured her, mimicking her friend’s hushed tone, “I accepted his dance request, not an offer to meet him for a clandestine rendezvous in the gazebo.”
    Eleanor eyed her intently, quirking one chestnut-colored brow.
    “Not that I would have accepted an offer to meet him for a clandestine rendezvous in the gazebo, if he had suggested such a thing,” Penny quickly avowed.  “Which he most certainly did not.”
    Eleanor sighed dramatically.  “Such an offer would prove just a wee bit tempting though, would it not?”
    Giggling, Eleanor raised a hand to cover her mouth and a moment later they were both struggling to contain their mirth.
    As they neared the steps leading up to the expansive rear terrace, Penny said, “There is something else, actually.”
    “Following Lord Ashcroft’s request, the duke asked me to save a dance for him as well.”
    Eleanor’s eyebrows nearly shot up to her hairline as her mouth fell open.  “He didn’t.” 
    Penny nodded, and though she did try, it was difficult to keep the true measure of her excitement from showing on her face.  “He did.”
    “Oh, Penny, how wonderful!”
    “Don’t get overly

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