When I'm Gone

Free When I'm Gone by Katilyn S

Book: When I'm Gone by Katilyn S Read Free Book Online
Authors: Katilyn S
back on my pillow.
“I’m glad they are gone,” I mutered to myself. “Now, I can get some peace and quiet, even if it is just for a little while.”
I closed my eyes and drifted off.
I was running. At first, I didn’t know where I was. It wasn’t until I noticed the trees blurring beside me, that I realized that I was in a forest. The greens and browns all blurred into one disgusting color as I ran past them.
“Michael,” someone called out behind me. I let out a shout and picked up my pace. There was the sound of footsteps coming up behind me. I felt a hitch in my ankle as I almost tripped over a branch.
I had to run faster. I didn’t know why, but I knew I was in danger. I could see a bright light ahead and I ran towards it. As I got closer, I could see grass and a bright blue sky.
“Michael,” the voice called again; it was high-pitched and playful, a girl’s voice. I shuddered violently as I ran.
“Leave me alone,” I yelled over my shoulder. A soft laugh drifted towards me and I willed myself not to stop, to see who it was.
I burst throught the light and stopped suddenly. The light had led me to a cliff that hung above a dark abyss. I swallowed loudly and heard the soft crunch of leaves behind me.
“Michael?” she inquired. I spun around to face her when she attacked me, knocking both of us off the cliff. I screamed for help as we tumbled into the darkness, her hand wrapped around my wrist.
I could feel a pair of lips at the base of my neck.
“Michael.” A loud voice yelled into my ear. I sat up quickly, knocking my head against someone else’s.
“Good God,” I yelped and opened my eyes. I saw Seth rubbing a hand against his forehead, his sandy blonde hair still wet from the shower. I squinted and saw Andrew behind him, smothering his laughter with his hand.
“Told you not to yell at him while he’s sleeping,” Andrew warned him. Seth shot him a look and sat on the bed next to mine.
“Yeah, usually Andrew just throws something at me,” I explained. Suddenly, a pillow hit me on the side of the head. I flicked my eyes to Andrew who stood with his hands behind his back, whistling. “Just like that.”
“What?” Andrew looked back at me, a glint in his eye. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Sure, you don’t” I muttered sarcastically. Andrew laughed and sat at the foot of my bed. I sat up and ran a fist over my eyes, making any sleep disappear.
“So,” Seth started, making the room get a little awkward.
“So,” I repeated.
“So, about Claire,” Andrew finished for us.
“What about her?” I asked a little over-protectively.
“Michael, you have been thinking about her for days on end, now. You get distracted easily and you are heard in your sleep, mumbling her name,” Andrew said softly.
“I do not!” I exclaimed, looking at Seth for reassurance. He shrugged and gave me an apologetic smile.
“Actually, you do,” he reavealed . I sighed and put my head in my hands.
“Oh, that is fantastic,” I mumbled.
“Could he be...you know?” Seth asked. I glanced at him; he was looking at Andrew. Andrew shrugged and comtemplated Seth’s question. Suddenly, he snapped his fingers.
“You know, I think he is,” he said and smiled. Seth’s face lit up in a grin and Andrew laughed.
“I’m what?” I interrupted them. Their laughter subsided and they studied me. “I’m what?”
“Do you want to tell him?” Andrew gestured to Seth.
“I might as well, since that is the way I felt too,” he replied and turned to me.
“What?” I raised my voice, getting aggravated.
“I think that you’re in love,” Seth whispered. I stared at him with a confused expression on my face.
“You think I’m what?” I asked, not believing him.
“We think you are in love with Claire,” Andrew restated. I shook my head.
“That can’t be possible. I’ve only known her for a week and a half,” I stated.
“Michael, how do you feel about Claire?”

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