Red Wolfe

Free Red Wolfe by B.L. Herndon

Book: Red Wolfe by B.L. Herndon Read Free Book Online
Authors: B.L. Herndon
the little bird’s company as she pressed onward. She talked about her travels, her writings, her favorite colors and books. The cardinal seemed to be listening as it fluttered from branch to stone to root, following wherever she went. A few times it even chirped as if answering her questions.
    She pulled her cellphone from her pocket to check the time. Two hours had passed and still no sign of Lord Wolfe or his home. Ellena was beginning to grow nervous. It had not taken this long to return yesterday and hunger pains were hitting her fast.
    Why had she not stopped to have breakfast befor e leaving, Ellena berated herself. Whenever she became enthralled in something, she could do little else. It was the same with her books. Once she had not eaten for two days because she was so enraptured in a story that she was writing.
    Without warning, h er cellphone released a droll noise, flashing blue before completely going black. It had never done that before and Ellena set to work pressing the buttons, trying to turn it on and off. Finally resorting to the last possible action she could take, Ellena began to blatantly hit the broken device.
    “This is ridiculous!” she shouted, losing her grip on the slippery gadget and causing it to fall from her hands. Ellena leapt for it, tumbling into the wet snow along with her phone. A river of profanities flew from her mouth as she scrambled to her feet.
    “Still as elegant as ever, I see.”
    Ellena knew that voice. It may have been in a mocking and insulting tone, but Ellena was glad to hear it.
    “Lord Wolfe,” she greeted.
    He found her phone and picked it up, turning it over in his hand. “What is this?” He seemed quite mesmerized.
    “What do you mean? It’s a cellphone. Haven’t you even seen one before?”
    Ellena was dusting herself off when he suddenly raced away.
    “ Hold on!” Ellena screamed, trying to keep up with him. Of course this is how he would greet her. Stealing her phone and leaving her to die in the woods!
    She stopped to catch her breath as she saw Lord Wolfe sweep through his gate and bound toward his mansion. A familiar face was happily waiting for her at the door when Ellena finally followed, at a much slower and exhausted pace.
    “ Monsieur Gregor,” she fondly said. “How have you been? Are you surprised to see me back so soon?”
    “It is always a delight to see you, mademoiselle .”
    He he lped Ellena inside, taking her bag and coat. “Whatever happened to your red cape?” he asked.
    “ It’s in my bag.”
    “I ’ve prepared your room.”
    “ My room? Since when did it become my room?”
    “Since Lord Wolfe deemed it so.”
    She was surprised and frankly bewildered at such a generous gesture coming from that man. Before she could ask dear Gregor about it, he abruptly changed the subject.
    “Are you hungry?”
    Her stomach did the answering as it released a loud growl. He shooed her off to unpack her belongings as he set out for the kitchen. She found her room again. It was so strange, referring to it in such a way and what was even stranger was Lord Wolfe giving it to her.
    The room looked almost the same. A few things were there that had not been present before, a pair of white slippers and a plush robe, some very bright red tulips in a vase by the bed. Ellena plopped her bag in a chair by the fireplace and began unpacking, carefully laying her extra clothes, red cape, and writing supplies on the bed. Lastly was the red book. She set that on the table by her bed.
    Opening the closet to put her clothes away, she was a lready surprised to see it full of women’s apparel— dresses, blouses, gloves, and hats. Had these always been there? Perhaps that is where Gregor had gotten her dress from last time? She wasn’t quite sure since she had never opened the closet or drawers until now.  Of course, they had to have already been there. She snickered at the thought of Lord Wolfe buying them for her.
    The old butler was already setting a bowl

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