
Free Never-ending-snake by David Thurlo

Book: Never-ending-snake by David Thurlo Read Free Book Online
Authors: David Thurlo
passenger’s side door she heard two men arguing on the far side of the hexagonally shaped hogan. Although their voices were muted, it was impossible to mistake the undercurrent of tension between them.
    “I’m going to see what’s going on,” Ella said. “If you get a chance, talk to Marie.”
    Ella walked to her brother’s medicine hogan. As she drew closer she couldhear Ford and Clifford clearly.
do the ritual while we have a prayer vigil underway,” Ford, who had his back to her, said. “The Christians in the family will object, and if there’s anything they don’t need, it’s more tension and confusion.”
    Clifford saw her approaching, and his eyes diverted to her for just a second before focusing on Ford once more. “A Come-to-Life Sing is absolutelynecessary right now.”
    “It sounds to me like the family needs both of you,” Ella said, joining them.
    Ford turned to look at her, then exhaled softly. “This isn’t about us. It’s about them—the entire family.” He looked back at Clifford. “You and I have to find a way to work this out.”
    “You’re right.” Clifford mulled it over. “Since mine is essentially emergency treatment beside the patient andno sandpaintings or prayer sticks are needed, I can find a way to shorten the ceremony. With that in mind, I can do the Come-to-Life Sing
your prayer vigil. Will that work for you?”
    Ford nodded. “After you finish, we’ll begin.”
    “Then it’s settled. Let’s go back inside, talk to the wounded man’s wife, and explain what we’ve decided,” Clifford said.
    Ford glanced at Ella, and seeing thequestions in her eyes, answered, “The hero’s wife insisted on meeting me here,” he said, avoiding names out of respect for Clifford. “She wanted me to help her convince the
not to interrupt the bedside vigil she’d already asked me to conduct.”
    “So she’s in the house?” Ella asked, glancing back. Seeing Justine was watching her, Ella cocked her head toward Clifford’s home.
    Justine pickedup on the gesture and headed inside.
    Knowing her partner would need time to work things out, Ella decided to do her part to help. “This case has brought a lot of pressure down on the department,” Ella said, looking at Ford, then Clifford. “I have to find answers quickly, but I can’t do it alone. If you’re willing, I could use a little help from both of you.”
    Clifford nodded.
    “All you have todo is ask,” Ford added.
    “Let’s take a walk. I want to make sure no one can accidentally overhear what I have to say.”
    With Ford on one side of her and Clifford on the other, they went down the road a short distance, then walked up a shallow wash toward a flat-topped mesa a quarter of a mile beyond.
    “When we processed the hero’s personal effects, we discovered that he was carrying a considerableamount of cash in his briefcase. I need to find out where that money came from and why he had it with him. You’re both in professions that inspire trust, and people often confide in you rather than us. If either of you hear anything that might explain it, I’d appreciate a tip.”
    “How large a stash was it?” Ford asked.
    “More than fifty thousand dollars,” Ella said, deciding at the last secondto keep the exact details within the team.
    Ford’s eyebrows shot up. “Do you think he was on the take?”
    “The fact that it’s all in cash is suspicious, but we have no evidence that anything illegal was going on.”
    “And to go after a man who’s so respected with nothing more than guesses is going to start a war right here on the Rez,” Ford added with a nod.
    “Exactly. I need answers, but no onecan know about the money,” she said.
    “I’ll try to find out if the hero had someone he mighthave confided in—maybe an army buddy or someone like that. I’m assuming that you’ve spoken to his wife, or intend to do that on your own time,” Ford said and saw Ella nod.
    “I’ll keep my

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