Cinderella's Billionaire Bear: A Shifter Fairy Tale

Free Cinderella's Billionaire Bear: A Shifter Fairy Tale by Ella Jasmine

Book: Cinderella's Billionaire Bear: A Shifter Fairy Tale by Ella Jasmine Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ella Jasmine
smiled at me.
    "Whoever it was
that tried to ran us over, do you think they'll come back for us again?"
    "Well, they won't
have much time to try," said Charming. "I saw the guy's face right
before he ran me over. And before you came in here, I had already told the cops
the guy's name. So he'll definitely be spending plenty of time in prison."
    "You actually know
his name?"
    "Yeah, it's Gavin.
He's one of the bear shifters I fought when I came to rescue you
    "So you think he
did it on my stepmother's orders again?"
    "Yeah, probably.
It's either her or the Beast. But when I called the Beast earlier to confront
him, he claimed to have nothing to do with it. And he even offered to bring
Gavin to the cops himself. The Beast sounded really mad about how Gavin, one of
his most trusted men, had taken money and orders from someone else. So I
believe in this case he's actually telling the truth."
    "Wait a minute.
You spent time talking to the cops and the Beast before letting me come in here
to see you? Have you any idea how worried I was sitting out there waiting to
hear how you were doing?"
    "I'm sorry,
Cinderella. Believe me, I wanted to see you the moment I regained
consciousness. However, as your mate, I needed to make sure that you were safe
first. So I did what I had to do." He smiled warmly at me, and there was
no way I could even pretend to be mad at him after that.
    "You know,
Charming, there's something I really must tell you now that you're conscious
    "Oh yeah? And
what's that?" he asked.
    "Earlier, when I
thought I had lost you forever, I felt sadder than I had ever felt in my entire
life. It was then that I knew I was actually in love with you, too. So even
though, I'm not a shifter like you, I do believe I'm fated to be with you for life."
    "Oh, Cinderella,
you have no idea how happy I am to hear you say that. I was willing to wait for
however long it took for you to agree to be my mate for life. But now is
definitely better than later."
    "So where do we go
from here?" I asked.
    "Well, first of
all, I'm going to have the doctor discharge me from the hospital as soon as
possible because I absolutely hate being in here."
    "But don't you
need more time to recover? You've only regained consciousness a while
    "Like I said
earlier, it doesn't take long for a shifter like me to heal. So yeah, I'm
pretty much fully recovered."
     I took a good look at
Charming, and it was then that I realized, he was already looking so much
better in the short amount of time I had been in here. In fact, had it not been
for all the machines still hooked up to him, I wouldn't have even known he had
been hit by a car just hours ago.
    "Are you sure it
isn't best for you to stay here for them to at least monitor you for a while
longer?" I asked, just to be sure.
    "Nah, I'm good.
Besides, it can be dangerous for me to hang around in a hospital. Medical
personnel might get suspicious about how I'm able to heal so fast. And the last
thing I want is for some curious doctor to figure out that I'm a shifter. So
anyway, back to what I was saying earlier. Let's get out of here soon. Then
we'll go back to the hotel suite together. My bear and I have been dying to
mate with you again."
    Despite wanting the
same, I couldn't help but blush at his words.
    He soon noticed and
said, "I'm sorry if I'm being a little too straightforward. It's just that
your scent, your curves, and everything else about you drive me absolutely mad
with lust all the time."
    I smiled and said,
"It's okay, I feel the same way, too. Being around you has a way of landing
my mind in the gutter."
    "Then let's call
for the doctor and get out of here," he said with a devilish grin.
    We were riding the
elevator up to my hotel suite back at the casino. My arms were around Cinderella's
waist and my tongue inside her mouth. It took every ounce of self-control in my
body to refrain from ripping off her clothes and mating with her right in the

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