0-69 in 5 Minutes
been in the
hospital for anaphylactic shock? Poor guy. “Can I see him?”
    “ Sure, but only you, and
for a short time.”
    She sighed in relief for three reasons. One,
he was okay. Two, she could see him. And three, the doctor hadn’t
said his name. That issue had been avoided. The cross-dressing
matter would have to wait until later. That list seemed to be
piling up fast, but right now, she needed to see Noah.
    * * * *
    Judith waited until Val left with the
doctor, and then she searched for Rita. Rita DuPont had been her
best friend since they were kids. Their fathers had been business
associates and the two of them had hit it off the first time they
met at a summer BBQ.
    She and Rita had gone to college together.
Rita had become a nurse, married and tried to start a family.
Judith, on the other hand, had gone back home to work at her
father’s company where later she’d met Hank.
    The hallways were quiet, all but the sound
of her heels clicking on the tiles. Lucky for her, Rita happened to
be an ICU nurse who worked the evening shift. Something about not
having to lift and move a lot of patients or deal with them while
they were awake enticed Rita.
    Walking through the double doors, she knew
it was her lucky night. Her friend sat behind the desk, typing on
the computer. “Well, well, if it isn’t my dearest friend in the
whole wide world.”
    “ Judith! What are you
doing here?” Rita stood and gave her a warm smile.
    “ Valerie’s boyfriend had
an awful mishap at dinner tonight. He lost consciousness and had to
be rushed here in the ambulance. It was all rather upsetting to say
the least.”
    “ You mean that guy they
brought in a few minutes ago is Valerie’s new man?”
    “ Girl, I do. Sam White.
Which is why I need your help.”
    “ Help with what? I know
that look in your eyes. You’re up to no good. Again.” Rita laughed,
and her eyes lit up with mischief.
    She leaned across the counter and whispered.
“I need you to run a test on him. See if he’s fertile.”
    Rita held her finger up and turned to a
nurse at the other end of the desk. “Hey, Gina, cover me for a few
minutes while I go get some coffee.” She came out from behind the
desk and grabbed Judith’s elbow. “Walk with me.”
    Once outside in the hallway, Rita began.
“Are you crazy? I can’t run a test like that.”
    “ Why not?”
    Rita started to pace. “Why not? Because I
need semen to do that. I don’t care how much drugs he’s had, or how
much fun it would be for that matter, I can’t just whisk in there
and jack him off.”
    “ Can’t you do a blood test
or something?”
    She stopped pacing and let out a breath. “I
can check his hormone levels. See if he has a high count of
testosterone, but that won’t give us a sperm count or tell us if
he’s fertile.”
    “ That won’t do. We need to
know if he can get the job done or not.”
    “ Sweetie, I want to get
back at your father as much as you do, but I don’t see how this can
help us. They still have to have sex for her to get pregnant. And
then it has to be a boy. I can’t tell if he shoots X’s or Y’s from
a fertility test.”
    “ I know.” She shook her
head and ran her tongue across her teeth. “Time’s running out.
Erin’s getting married in a few short months. Now, my sources say
she’s not pregnant, but they want to start having kids right away
and her fiancée comes from a large family of boys. If she has a
boy, we’ll lose everything we’ve worked for. That old bastard will
give her kid my inheritance. Which means your share will be gone
    “ Okay, let me think.” Rita
paced the hallway, rubbing her temples the way she always did
before developing a brilliant plan. “I got it. Now, it’s not a
hundred percent guaranteed to work, but it’ll increase the
    “ What is it?” She grabbed
Rita’s wrists and shook them.
    “ This has to be kept
quiet. I would lose my licenses and go to jail if anyone found
    “ Rita!

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