151 Days

Free 151 Days by John Goode

Book: 151 Days by John Goode Read Free Book Online
Authors: John Goode
said to her in a deadpan tone. She instantly regretted her words until I added, “And the two-by-fours are mostly shoved up their asses. I think the head slapping is done with one-by-sixes these days.”
    It took her a couple of seconds to realize I was joking.
    We all laughed just as Mr. Raymond brought the meeting to order. “Can we have everyone’s attention, please? We are about to begin.” The few people who were still standing found seats, and the school board sat down on either side of him. “We have a full agenda, so let’s get to it.”
    The next hour or so was spent going over the specific rules that were included in Kelly’s Laws and how they would affect the school in general. A lot of teachers sat in the audience; they asked question after question, wanting to understand how the rules were going to affect their day-to-day teaching. Someone shifted in their seat: I was shocked to see Charlotte there. I hadn’t seen her earlier.
    “Is there anything else before we vote?” Mr. Raymond asked when the last rule had been picked over.
    Linda raised her hand, and I saw Susan stand up with her. “I have something I would like added.”
    I could see the seething hatred in Raymond’s expression from my seat.
    “The floor recognizes Ms. Stilleno.”
    “I would like to propose a gay-straight alliance be added to the school to better educate the student body about different sexualities.”
    He didn’t seem surprised by the request, and I assumed someone had warned him that it was coming. “Very well,” he said, looking around the auditorium. “Does anyone have any objections?” There were none, so he went on. “I think most of the teaching staff is here. Would any teacher care to volunteer to sponsor and mentor such a group?” Of course, no one raised their hand. The teachers looked at each other and then back at him in silence.
    Finally, Charlotte raised her hand. “I will.”
    People around the room began to talk amongst themselves, since no one had thought she would call his bluff. Raymond gave her a snide smile that made my hand twitch at the impulse to slap him. “I’m sorry, Mrs. Axeworthy, but as the new policy states, extracurricular activities can only be supervised by teachers not on probation. Are there any other volunteers?”
    I stood up. “I move to have Mrs. Axeworthy’s probation overturned.”
    Raymond glared at me, and I could tell he’d just seen the other shoe drop in his mind. “That is an excellent idea, but as you are more than aware, Dorothy, only the person who filed the complaint can request that, and since her pension or pay are not affected, it’s not a union issue. So one more time, is there anyone who is willing to supervise a gay-straight alliance on campus?”
    No one said a word.
    “Then let’s vote on this, shall we?” he offered.
    There was silence as we all sat down.
    “We tried,” Susan said, disappointed.
    “I hate that man,” Linda whispered as she glared at Raymond.
    “All in favor of passing the proposed…,” he began and then faltered. Her coat flowing behind her like she was a grande dame making an entrance in a play, her stare directly focused on Raymond, Dolores Mathison swept across the stage. No one budged as she walked to Raymond’s side and whispered something in his ear. I saw his face pale, and then he nodded slowly as she pulled back and looked at him. She said something else to the panel and then walked off the way she’d arrived. She looked out and saw me sitting there. She gave me a whisper of a smile as she left.
    Raymond stared at the tabletop in silence for a few seconds before he said out aloud, “I move to have Charlotte Axeworthy’s probation lifted. All in favor?”
    One by one the school board raised their hands. The vote passed unanimously.
    “I also propose adding a gay-straight alliance to Foster in hopes of educating students about differences in sexuality and tolerance. Is there any teacher who would volunteer to run

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