A Life Like Mine

Free A Life Like Mine by Jorie Saldanha

Book: A Life Like Mine by Jorie Saldanha Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jorie Saldanha
You’ve always wanted to be like me ever since we were little,” Lena screeched.
                  “What is she talking about it, Ash?” Keri asked.
                  “You didn’t tell them did you?” Lena laughed.
                  “Shut up, Lena. You don’t know anything about my life!” I yelled in fear.
                  “I know enough about you. I know every little fact about you up until fifth grade when you decided to start liking guys. I was the one that had all the guys.”
                  “Shut up!” I yelled at her. “Don’t listen to her.” I turned to my friends.
                  “She was so into this one guy! He was the most popular guy at school. It didn’t matter what I thought of him. Ashley was so in love. She was really good friends with him too. She wanted to ask him to the fifth grade dance. That meant that if she went out with him that I would no longer be the most popular girl at school! Isn’t that right, Ash?” Lena looked at me.
                  “Just shut up!” I had tears in my eyes again. Why have I been crying so much lately? I’ve been crying like a baby ever since the second chapter haven’t I?
                  “Well, she liked him so much that she couldn’t handle it anymore. So she was going to ask him after the school assembly…” Lena continued to tell the rest of my embarrassing tale. After she was finished they looked at me.
                  “Why didn’t you tell us?” They said, as they laughed as hard as they could.
                  “You guys aren’t mad at her?” Lena was angry.
                  “You guys aren’t angry with me?” I asked.
                  “No!” They said together.
                  “Well, do you know who it was that she had the hugest crush on?” Lena asked with fury in her eyes.
                  “Don’t!” I roared.
                  “Alan Carson!” Lena said in triumph.
                  Let me pause this for a moment. You’re probably thinking, “Huh? I thought Ashley totally thought he was a dork.” Well, I didn’t used to. I really stopped liking him once he started going out with Lena. I felt used and betrayed. That’s why, if you were wondering, I said to Alan that we’d always be friends. As soon as Lena dumped Alan, Alan lost all of his friends. He suddenly was an outcast, and I felt too hurt to help him. When I saw Alan getting soaked, I saw my chance to make it up to him. Hopefully, a piece of the puzzle came together for you now. I left you where Lena revealed my past love. And action!
                  “No!” I yelled. All my friends sat there in shock. They wanted to laugh, but they didn’t. They knew it would just make me feel worse.
                  “I told you she was a loser!” Lena laughed.
                  “I can’t believe you said that!” I looked at her with hate in my eyes. I know hate is a strong feeling, but at that moment I wanted to rip her a new orifice.  Lena looked at me and laughed. My friends just looked at me to see what I would do.
                  “You guys go back and watch the rest of the movie. There’s something I need to talk about with Lena.” I said through clenched teeth. Lena’s smile faded. Just to let you know, clenched teeth is a bad thing. That’s the kind of thing that your mom does to show that she is really mad. Sort of like why they say your full name including the middle name. This is a sign of major anger.
                  “Okay. We’ll tell you what happens.” Keri led all the other girls back to the movie.
                  As soon as they were gone I said, “You’re going down, Lena!”
                  “Oh please. I’m so scared. I’m shaking in my designer boots.” Lena said

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