Enemy Lovers
our interactions. Occasionally, I’ll want to surprise you.”
    â€œYou haven’t answered my question.”
    â€œI wanted to look after you,” he said simply. “I’d spanked you and your emotions were all over the place. It was my responsibility to care for you.”
    â€œI’m not a beast. Delayed gratification won’t kill me. Once we’re inside and warm again, we’ll play some more.” His gaze bored into her, a smile playing around those sexy lips of his. “Don’t worry about me, but do wonder about the type of punishment you have in store for placing wet, muddy hands on me.”
    â€œI’m all a shiver.”
    Dallas shook his head, seemingly amused by her irreverence. “I’d say they’ll try to get the pass open tomorrow, if they can. I’ll need to get back to Napier anyway.”
    â€œI’ll have to ring the garage about my car. You’ll give me a ride back to Napier? I told Mother I’d drive to Clare, but there’s no point for just a few hours.”
    â€œOf course. This last load of wood should do us and give me plenty for the next time I visit the cabin.”
    Inside again, Laura headed to the shower while Dallas sorted out the fire. She dressed in a thick robe and socks, winding a towel around her damp hair. While Dallas took a shower, she made them some hot chocolate and sat in front of the fire, drying her hair.
    Dallas strode into the open plan area, his presence filling the room. Her breath caught when she met his gaze. Lord, what had this man done to her? Put something in her food? She wanted him so much. He came to a halt in front of her, his eyes blazing with need. Sure hands unfastened the belt of the robe he wore.
    â€œI want you to go down on your knees and suck me off.”
    He gave a curt nod. “Place a cushion under your knees.”
    The stern, confident note in his voice got to her, pushed her to a different place. He’d used the same tone last night. It made her want to jump to attention, made her want to please him, made her think about keeping him in her life.
    Slowly, she rose from the couch and picked up a mint green cushion. The decorative embroidery was scratchy in her hands, the other side a silky contrast when she placed it on the ground and sank to her knees.
    The scent of hot chocolate and wood smoke teased at her, and when she glanced up at Dallas, the fresh citrus note of his shower gel filled her nostrils. She drew a sharp breath and focused on his cock. It was long and hard, the head ruddy with arousal.
    Her hand trembled when she reached for his shaft. The skin was smooth beneath her fingertips. She glanced up, the intensity in him transmitting hot messages of lust through her body. Her nipples prickled insistently against the nubby fabric of her robe. Heat bloomed between her thighs.
    She swallowed. “I haven’t done this much.”
    â€œWould you like me to give you instructions?”
    Relief blasted away the creeping anxiety. She wanted to learn and most of all, she wanted to please him. “Yes, please.”
    â€œTake me more firmly in your hands. I won’t break.”
    She nodded, fascinated by his body. She’d never been so up close and personal with a penis before, her previous experiences having taken place in dark bedrooms. “You can’t call a penis pretty.”
    He let out a snort, her quick glance telling her she’d surprised the sound from him.
    â€œShush,” he said. “No talking unless I ask you a direct question. Run your hands up and down my shaft. Explore it with your hands. Touch my balls and fondle them. Don’t squeeze my balls too hard unless I tell you.”
    Laura followed his instructions, noted the moves that made him shiver, the ones that pulled forth a hiss of pleasure. His musky scent combined with the citrus of the shower gel, and under her ministrations, his

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