Enemy Lovers
cock grew larger, harder.
    â€œNow use your mouth on me. Explore with your tongue.”
    Laura followed the instructions, grateful for his direction. No snapping or impatience, and the orders didn’t feel like commands. He tasted musky, slightly salty. Every time her tongue hit the underside of his cock, his breath caught. Pre-come came from his slit, and she licked it away. She tested his balls with her tongue and manipulated them with her hands before returning to his shaft.
    â€œGood. That’s good,” he said. “Now I want you to take my dick into your mouth. Lick it. Suck it. Once you’ve played more, I’ll do some shallow thrusts. If it’s too much for you, wrap your hands around the base and control how much I can push inside your mouth. Questions?”
    â€œNo.” She got busy and felt his desire ratchet upward and the increase of fluid leaking from his tip.
    His hands came down to wrap in her damp hair. He tugged to the knife-edge of pain, but the sensual ache helped ground her, made the experience more real. She’d always thought of this as an act to make a man happy, but she was enjoying sucking off Dallas. She wanted to please him and followed each pithy order until he gave a soft curse.
    She froze.
    â€œKeep going, sweetheart. You’re doing a good job.”
    She licked harder, faster, took more of him into her mouth, getting a rhythm going. He swore softly, but she continued without pausing and then he was coming, his hard thighs trembling, his hands still holding her head. At first she froze, then she swallowed automatically.
    Dallas relaxed his grip on her hair. His cock dwindled in size, and she licked him clean before backing away.
    â€œGreat job,” he whispered, helping her to her feet.
    â€œYour hot chocolate will be cold.”
    â€œIt doesn’t matter.” He guided her over to the couch and tugged her down on his knee, his arms wrapping around her as he cuddled. Laura leaned against the hard wall of his chest, both proud and satisfied. He’d told her she’d done well. It made her realize how few compliments she received from her family. And no one ever cuddled her. The security she experienced with him made her subterfuge worthwhile.
    Dallas might expect her to walk away after they returned to Napier, and that was what she’d originally intended. But this closeness she felt, the edge of tenderness in his actions made her yearn for more. A future.
    Sighing inwardly, she wished things were different. Having a relationship with the enemy would come at a cost—the price possibly too steep for either of them to pay.

Chapter Six
    The apartment was large, luxurious and lonely. The fancy art on the walls, the rich jewel colors in the lounge, the state-of-art appliances in the kitchen mocked Laura. Money didn’t purchase contentment. Happiness came from within. Happiness came from friendship, from mutual trust. Happiness was the emotion she experienced with Dallas.
    She should’ve argued when he’d kissed her cheek and said goodbye.
    The phone rang and she absently answered it.
    â€œYou’re home,” her mother said in an aggrieved voice.
    â€œI am.” Her mother had rung every day since the weekend. Two days of interrogations and nagging.
    â€œYou should be here. James is looking lonely.”
    He missed his lover. If his boyfriend had any sense, he’d give James grief for even considering marriage to a woman. If Laura was the boyfriend, she’d pop James on his aristocratic nose. “I told you the pass is still closed because of the third slip. The council is still dealing with several big slips in the area. It’s impossible for me to get to Clare.”
    â€œI could have sent the helicopter. You will attend the wedding.”
    Laura hesitated. Maybe she should speak with James instead of avoiding him. And meanwhile, she’d go to Dallas, their agreement in hand. The document worked both

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