
Free CaughtInTheTrap by Unknown

Book: CaughtInTheTrap by Unknown Read Free Book Online
Authors: Unknown
the general store and headed to the register.  The long-bearded man spoke in broken sentences. “That it for you?”
    Zach nodded. “Where do you keep your liquor?”
    “Wha’cha lookin’ to get?”
    “Bacardi 151 or whatever rum you might have on hand as long as it’s strong.”
    “I got wha’cha want.”
    “Give me two bottles and a bag of ice and then ring me up.”  The man eyed his items and looked at him. Zach tilted his head and asked. “What?”
    “Nothin’.  A lot of different people done visited these parts.  The locals ain’t use to you city people and the odd stuff you’re into.”
    “I’m not strange, I have a lady friend with me,” he said pulling money from his wallet.
    “That explains your stuff.  I had a foreign fella in here the other day asking questions but didn’t buy anything.  Said he lost his camper friends.  Fella wasn’t dress for campin’ if you ask me.”
    Zach’s heartbeat increased but he kept his cool. “What did you tell him?”
    “I ain’t tell him nothin’ because I didn’t know what camp site he was talkin’ about.  We don’t have no luxury lodges up here.  He said he’d find it himself and left.  He got in a fancy car and drove off going north.  He ain’t gon’ find no people up there.”
    The hair on the back of Zach’s neck stood up. “Did this happen yesterday?”
    The man gave him his change and bagged his purchase. “Yup. I ain’t seen him no more since then. Maybe he found his party by himself.”
    Zach took his packages and left the store.  He got in the Ford Explorer that he commandeered from a local car dealer and called his commander.  “Lowes, I think I’ve been tracked down.”
    “Are you sure, Murphy?”
    “I’m pretty sure.  A local shop owner says a foreign man came in yesterday asking questions.  I left Carla at the cabin, Lowes.  I don’t have a good feeling about this.”
    “Get to the cabin now, Murphy.  I’ll get you back up as soon as I can.”
    Carla came from the bedroom and noticed the back door slightly open.  She walked slowly through the kitchen.  Maybe Agent Jackass is outside unloading the car she said to herself. She peeked out the door and saw the old car but not Zach.  Her throat tightened. He wouldn’t leave the door open; he too thorough for that .
    “Zach?” It came out as a whisper.  The crickets singing came from the darkness of the woods. Dammit! She hurried and closed the door leaning against it. “Please come home. Please…please…please come back before it’s too late,” she prayed into folded hands.
    She moved from the door long enough to grab a kitchen knife from the drawer. She stood behind the door gripping the handle tightly and chewing on her bottom lip.  She positioned her body to a fight stance.  Anything coming through that door would regret messing with her.
    The door swung open knocking the knife on the floor. Carla flattened herself again the wall when she saw the barrel of the gun.  Adrenaline surged through her veins.  She wasn’t dying tonight.  She slammed the door into the man’s arm, causing him to drop his gun. She jumped into action like a wild woman.  When his body was half-way inside the cabin, she aimed her elbow for his jaw and swung hard. Pain shot through her arm when it connected with his face.
    A howl came from him as they scuffled in the kitchen. They fell against the sink knocking dishes to the floor.  Carla jumped on his back and rode him, beating him as hard as she could with her fists. A large arm latched around her waist, twisting her around his body and flung her to the floor.  Her head hit the floor with a hard thud as she landed on her back, causing her to see stars. That didn’t stop her from fighting as she kicked wildly hoping to connect with his genitals. He grabbed her legs and a smothering weight crushed her to the floor. She felt her arms lift over her head and be pinned together at the wrists.
    “Carla, stop

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