The Widow Finds Love (Mail Order Bride Series)

Free The Widow Finds Love (Mail Order Bride Series) by Susan Leigh Carlton

Book: The Widow Finds Love (Mail Order Bride Series) by Susan Leigh Carlton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Susan Leigh Carlton
her protector.  Cassie was so worried we might not like them and would return to Carolina, she almost made herself sick.  Her worries went away after our wedding the Sunday after our arrival. 
    We were married following the regular services, by the Reverend Wells, pastor of the Baptist Church where Clint and his family are members.  We were warmly welcomed by everyone.  After the ceremony, we had dinner with Clint’s sister and her family.  We were made to feel very welcome.
    Cassie shares her bedroom with Rebecca.  I was in a guest bedroom until after our ceremonies. 
    Mama, Papa, we are so happy here.  We are both well, and we feel a joy we haven’t felt in years.  We traveled through Atlanta and the damage inflicted on the people of Atlanta was unbelievable.  We saw it all the way here.  From Atlanta, we traveled to New Orleans and we took a river boat upstream to Shreveport and a stagecoach to Marshall. 
    Clint was wounded at Vicksburg and was a prisoner of war.  His wife passed away from pneumonia shortly after he made his way home.  He doesn’t speak of his war experiences.  Rebecca sends her love, as do I.  Thank you and Papa for being such wonderful parents.  Our love for you knows no bounds.  (s) Your loving daughter, Sarah.
    * * *
    Cassie attended school in a one room school house located near Suzy and Arthur Thomas’s farm.  Rebecca, who had never attended school, would be attending the same school when the fall schedule began. 
    Since Clint had no information, Sarah asked Suzy what was needed and got the enrollment done, and purchased the needed supplies.  It would be her lot to get the girls to and from school each day.
    The Thomases were in Marshall to purchase supplies from the general store for Sarah to use in making dresses for the girls, and herself.  The store had a limited number of patterns Sarah would use for the dresses, along with the ones she had brought with her.  She involved Rebecca and Cassie in the selection of cloth from which their dresses would be made.  They also purchased shirt cloth for the shirts Sarah would fashion for Clint.  None of the family had many new things, since the war had made replacement almost impossible. 
    On the way home, Clint said, “Work on the railroad to Marshall has started back up.  The government is backing it.  This is going to open more markets for the cotton, and gives us more competition between buyers, driving prices up.  It’ll make the northern markets a lot more accessible,  Instead of our cotton being sent by boat, rail would get cotton to the mills up north a lot faster.  Sine ours is ready to pick earlier than a lot of the other growing areas, we can take advantage of the early market.  I expect we’ll get at least forty bales this year.  That would be a good year.”
    Sarah had learned to sew from her mother, who made most of the family clothes.  Before John went to war, she had made his clothes as well as her own.  She had always made all of Rebecca’s clothes.  She had learned to modify patterns to suit their needs, as well as the ability to create shirts from a finished piece.  Her skills proved beneficial to her new family.
    * * *
    “I want to help more,” she told Clint one morning at breakfast.  “I want to take some of the burden from you.  You take on a big load here, and I can help with the milking and do some of the hoeing of the cotton.
    “If you will turn the soil, I will put in some vegetables before any more of the growing season passes.”
    “I don’t want you working in the fields,” he said.  “It’s not work for a woman.”
    “Clint Thomas, during the war, this woman planted, hoed and picked cotton.  I am accustomed to hard work and I will help.”
    “I appreciate the offer, but you aren’t accustomed to the type of heat we have here.  You simply can’t do it.  I won’t let you.  Besides, we’re in good

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