Misguided Heart

Free Misguided Heart by Amanda Bennett

Book: Misguided Heart by Amanda Bennett Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amanda Bennett
get drunk because of what people might think, even though they were the ones throwing the party. “You know what never mind, let’s do this!” I shouted and downed my first shot.
    “That’s my girl.” Shelby shouted to the bar with one arm around my neck.
    We started out slow with a couple shots of this and that and then threw all caution to the wind and were eventually full fledged tipsy. I could feel myself having a wonderful time for the first time in what felt like forever. I had become so engrossed in my job over the past couple years, that I slowly let the old Aston fade away. This was a crying shame, because as of right now, I loved the old Aston. Shelby and I headed out to the dance floor at least a dozen times.
    I headed back to the high top table to sit down and take a quick breather when the only song I could never say no to, came on over the millions of speakers. I turned around and saw Shelby and in an instant we were screaming and running back out to the dance floor. Suddenly it was only Shelby and I jamming out to Young MC’s, Bust a Move.
    We paid absolutely no attention to anyone else as we pulled out all the old school moves like the running man and the Roger rabbit. We were the center of attention, but the only person I could spot besides Shelby was Davis taking pictures of us with his phone. I was beaming. This was definitely going to be a night to remember.
    We continued dancing without caution when I felt a hard wall slam into my back. I quickly turned and shot a nasty glance in the direction of whomever it was who thought they should interrupt my groove. I almost immediately changed the expression on my face when I realized who it was that I had run into. I threw my arms up and around his neck in less than a second and he quickly reciprocated.
    “Oh my god Braden, how are you? I haven’t seen you in like ten years.” I squealed. Braden and I had met t hrough my ex-boyfriend Darren. He was the only other man to hold a piece of my heart, besides Nole, of course. He and I became close while Darren and I dated, but obviously lost contact when the relationship had ended.
    “I’m doing really well. How are you?” He replied.
    “I’m doing great. I’m just working for the man. You know same old shit.” I laughed. I scanned the room for Darren without being too obvious, but Braden knew me a bit too well.
    “He’s not with me.” He shouted.
    “Who?” I pretended not to know what he was talking about.
    “You know who girl. Don’t try to lie to me. I’m here with my girlfriend. He is at home, with his wife.” He replied as he half hid his face as though I was going to punch him.
    I know he could see the change in my expression but I tried to hide it anyway. “He got married huh? That’s awesome, I am so happy f or him.” I was lying. “Well hey, it was good running into you.” I laughed. “I’ll catch up with you later.” And I ran as fast as my Manolos would let me into the women’s restroom.
    I took the first open stall and leaned my back against the cold metal door. Tears of sadness began to creep through my mascara-ridden eyelashes. I only let a few fall through, before drying my face and heading back out. I immediately saw Shelby back at the table and headed over to her. She must have seen what had happened because she was holding her arms out to hug me.
    “Don’t you dare baby me, Shelby Graves; we are not done drinking and having a good time. Where are the shots? “I yelled at her.
    “Who was that?” She half screamed into my ear.
    “Shelby are you serious? That was Braden.” I shouted.
    Shelby and Braden had a quick fling while Darren and I were dating. She was seeing someone else at the time but he was a bit of a dick so I guess she felt the need to find comfort somewhere else. It only lasted a short while but I knew Braden had always wondered if things would have worked out.
    “You have got to be shitting me?” She chuckled. “I didn’t even recognize him.

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