
Free Nightfall by Joey W. Hill and Desiree Holt

Book: Nightfall by Joey W. Hill and Desiree Holt Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joey W. Hill and Desiree Holt
history.” Another gulp of coffee. “Got
myself a new one who knows what she’s doing.”
    “She?” Annette’s jaw dropped. “I heard the boys saying
something about it when they ate but I didn’t pay it much attention. Where’d
you get her? What makes you think a woman can handle those roughnecks, anyway?”
    “She wandered in looking for a job. Can you believe it? By
the end of the night she had everyone eating out of her hand.”
    Annette barked a short laugh. “This I gotta see.”
    “Maybe I can coax her out here for one of your meals
    When exactly would that be, you idiot?
    Last night he’d wanted very badly to spend the rest of it
with her but she was adamant.
    “Vampires need to sleep. Alone.”
    Vampires, for shit’s sake.
    Of course, between Sam’s shaman stuff and his grandfather’s
tales, it didn’t sound near as crazy as it should. He slugged down the rest of
the coffee and picked up the two breakfast sandwiches. “I expect the boys are
already out with the herd?”
    “And probably cussing you for sleeping in.”
    Quinn looked at his watch. Six thirty. Yeah, she was right.
But that damn dream—
    “On my way.”
    He strode to the barn to retrieve his black gelding,
Midnight, and saddle him. While he was doing that, Kevin Lang limped out of the
barn. Unable to work the cattle after an accident, he now kept the tack in
shape and made sure the stalls were mucked and the horses fed.
    “They’re all out in the west pasture, Quinn.” The old man
squinted up at him. “Heard you drive in real late last night. I’m surprised you
can even sit a horse today.”
    “I’m fine, old man.” About to get better. “See you
    He wolfed down one of the breakfast sandwiches before
swinging up into the saddle and urging Midnight forward. As he cantered past
the barn, Annette’s little place and the bunkhouse, he skirted around the big
steel building that held his small private plane.
    Along with having a ranch, flying his own plane had been
another deep-seated goal. He’d taken some of his rodeo winnings and bought the
little two-seater for a good price, had the steel building thrown up, tarmac
poured for the runway and some landing lights installed. Though he used the
plane sometimes to check fences and water holes, he hadn’t had the opportunity
to use it for pleasure, embrace the sense of freedom flying brought him. Maybe
if Selene worked out at After Hours he’d be able to take off for some place now
and then.
    With Selene.
    Yeah, he’d like that. Always supposing he could talk her
into it.
    Riding to the west pasture, he relished the feel of the big
horse beneath him, muscles moving rhythmically between his thighs.
    Unbidden, his mind called up the image of Selene straddling
him last night, riding him as he rode this bronc, the silken fall of her hair
like a curtain surrounding him. Did she get the same feeling when her thighs
were pressed against his body? Did the same sense of dominance race through
her, the edge of excitement at controlling such power with just a touch of the
hand or a flex of thigh muscles?
    There was that word again. Dominance. He hadn’t been able to
get it out of his head.
    Quinn was far from a sexual novice and Lord knew he’d played
his share of kinky games. But this thing with Selene was something way beyond
that. When he drove his cock into her he’d felt like a bucking horse thrusting
into a brood mare. Her being in complete control of the situation only ramped
up the lust and desire boiling inside him.
    He couldn’t lie to himself. The sex had been amazing. No,
beyond that. Mind-blowing. His mouth watered as he recalled the perfect deep
rose of her nipples and the sweet pink flesh of her cunt.
    Business, Pedraza. Pay attention. You have a ranch to
    The men were already rounding up the cattle when he reached
the west pasture. He kept a crew of four experienced and dependable hands who
needed little supervision from him. They’d taught

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