
Free Tridas by Mark Alan

Book: Tridas by Mark Alan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mark Alan
would be boarding the helicopter
shortly, but Aven wanted to give Kavani an update. Their phone conversation was
brief, but both of them felt like a critical piece of the puzzle was still
    "I'll update you on the ground in Bangkok. I
love you". Aven ended.
    "I love you more". Kava hung up her
    Knowing Aven was doing his part to learn more on
the technical side, Kavani sensed her role rested in the supernatural.
"Tell me more about the prophecies of my return” Kavani requested.
    "The time the poets speak, describes a grave
danger for all of the earth. The outcome is not foretold, but an epic battle is
fought between a noble mortal and a powerful warrior priest. The moon plays a
crucial part in the story." Malin recited”. Many interpret this as
prophecy of the earth's destruction, skewing the orbits of the heavenly
constellations. Venus returns to bring order to the cosmos”.
    "Aven and I believe another prophecy, of a
great flood, is also part of this impending drama". Kavani added.
    "The Great Writings read that there will
never be a global flood" Citlalli protested.
    "But they don't say, it will not be
attempted." Kavani challenged. "I agree, fate is on our side. This
staff also wields unheard of power " .
    "It seems many powers from the past are
converging on this moment in history".
    "I would like to learn more of its origin.
Transporting me to this destination... can't be coincidental".
    "Seek out the Druids?" Citlalli offered
almost giddy.
    "I assume the Awen markings still point the
way”. Kava stated as she began to examine the ruins for the Druid mark.
    The Britannica Order of the Druids had been
welcomed in ancient Rome, by none other than Kavani herself, and had flourished
in numbers over the centuries. Malin stumbled upon the first mark. The Awen, is
welsh for inspiration. The shape, three lines capped with 3 dots coming to a
point, represents many ideals, but serves as "an arrow" pointing the
way to the order.
    Following the sub sequential markings, the women
found themselves on the centermost of the Seven Hills of Rome. Amongst the
multi-storey buildings and ancient ruins was a shepherd feeding his flocks on
the slopes of the Palatine. Knowing this to be more than coincidence, they
approached the shepherd and followed him as he slowly ambled the summits,
winding his way through a narrow crevice penetrating the hillside. About 50
feet in, the narrow passage gave way to a vaulted sanctuary.
    "Welcome to the Lupercal”. The shepherd
turned and spoke, his announcement echoing in the resounding space.
    "The Lupercal? The lost cave of the she-wolf
who raised Romulus and Remus?" Malin asked excitedly.
    "Yes, the breeding ground of the twin sons
of Mars." The shepherd confirmed matter-of-factly. "You stand at the
very centre of Rome”.
    Kavani stepped forward, "We seek your
counsel. At the height of your influence, your people possessed wisdom without
equal. A Druid could walk between two armies waged in war and dispel
hostilities causing them to discontinue fighting. In the matters of learning your
words are absolute. The time has come again to serve as the link between
mankind and the gods."
    "You are uniquely gifted for such a
time." The shepherd began. "The creator has served you with specific
duties and the other world to protect the mother earth. The staff is the tool
of a shepherd. It guides, corrects, and rescues the flock. The almond wood, it
is made from, predates the Druid tree lore. It's origin - at the crossing of
the four rivers, from the original garden of the east. Channel its power and
cherish this gift from the Higher God. I revere you for your role as safeguard
of mother earth. The she-wolf will look after you, as she did for the twins,
when you encounter our enemy”.
    The four spent the next many hours conferring on
astronomy, mathematics, music, philosophy, and all things spiritual, each
holding the others in high regard.
    Aven exited the

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