Sunset Rivalry: The Caliendo Resort (By The Lake: The Caliendo Resort Book 2)

Free Sunset Rivalry: The Caliendo Resort (By The Lake: The Caliendo Resort Book 2) by Shannyn Leah

Book: Sunset Rivalry: The Caliendo Resort (By The Lake: The Caliendo Resort Book 2) by Shannyn Leah Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shannyn Leah
straight. We don’t talk about my family.” He stalked toward her. “We talk about nothing. Not you. Not me. Nothing. Let’s just get the files so we can part ways and quit having this back and forth banter which isn’t good for either of us.” 
    With perfect timing, the Caliendo clan began emerging from their suites.
    Anya flared up at him. “Tick, tick, tick,” she muttered. 
    Quinn stood back and watched Anya greet her siblings.
    Eliza and Carl were showered and changed wearing smiles.
    Eliza silently nodded her thanks to him for the heads up to Anya’s obvious departure.
    Still, she inquired no further details about Quinn’s relationship with her daughter and she didn’t blame him for the haunted look in Anya’s eyes upon her return.
    If Quinn were in Eliza’s position, he wasn’t sure what his reaction would be to the person who promised that Anya would be fine only to have her return home frail, jumpy, sneaking around and trying to leave quicker than she’d arrived.
    Eliza wasn’t just an ordinary woman, she was extraordinary. Where he might have pushed blame toward his promise, Eliza did the opposite and put her trust in Quinn. In turn, now he not only had the desire to make sure Anya was alright, but he owed it to Eliza. That made Robert’s exposure harder to face, but still irrefutable.
    Carl didn’t trust him and Quinn noted immediately from the look on Marc’s face as he emerged his suite with his dark haired wife, Kate McAdams and their young daughter Rosemary, that he was curious as to why Quinn was present. He sent a suspicious stare that held a hint of warning.
    Marc had replaced Robert after he died, and in turn he became silently aware of Quinn’s extended position to his father. Not needing that type of work, Marc had given Quinn the option of remaining as only head of security. Quinn had given his two week notice, searched the places he needed and when he came up empty-handed with no need to resume position there, he’d left.
    Violet was missing today and from what Quinn gathered the ice queen had become involved with playboy Ryder Carlex and they were away on vacation for a week. Violet’s two children, Sophia and Parker trailed behind Marc and Kate. Their little unexpected faces lit up at seeing their Aunt Anya. Running past everyone, they reached Anya first and overwhelmed her with a stream of exciting stories that Anya had missed while away.
    Anya smiled and laughed with them, but Quinn saw the pained look across her face, her forced smile and murky eyes. 
    Emma Caliendo stopped short at the sight of her sister. Where Violet and Eliza held themselves with poise and grace in their blazer outfits, Emma and Anya dressed more causally, wearing their hair down and both sisters told contrasting tales across their faces.
    Right now, as the sister Anya had been closest to stared across the room at her, it was evident how important they were to each other.
    Why would Anya hide from a family who undoubtedly loved her and that she visibly loved to death?
    As Quinn was beginning to put the puzzle pieces together, he knew whatever Anya was hiding wasn’t good and the secret was obviously destroying her.
    Emma moved first, breaking the tension in the pool room. Her quick steps took her right into Anya’s arm and a wave of relief sighed through the crowd. 
    Heading toward breakfast, as planned, Anya lingered behind and fell into step with Quinn.
    “Don’t you think it’s a little odd that you’re coming to breakfast with my family? Did you move in while I was gone?” 
    He’d already told her that he’d left after she did, so she already knew the answer to that.
    “Maybe if you weren’t so damn stubborn we could have made terms that actually worked.” 
    “Your terms.” 
    “ Our terms.”
    Anya turned to him and stopped. “It was never my terms, was it?” She was referring to his goal to get the key and using her. “It was yours. I don’t want you here, Quinn. I don’t

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