Summer Temptation (Hot in the Hamptons Book 2)

Free Summer Temptation (Hot in the Hamptons Book 2) by Wendy S. Marcus

Book: Summer Temptation (Hot in the Hamptons Book 2) by Wendy S. Marcus Read Free Book Online
Authors: Wendy S. Marcus
    “Oh God. Keep doing that. Don’t stop.”
    I didn’t stop.
    “Nick. Oh, Nick.” She stiffened, straining out her release.
    “Right here, baby. Let me have it. All of it.” I kept on moving, in and out, my own orgasm building, strengthening, until holy fucking shit…
    The world stopped. Time stopped. My heart stopped…okay, no they didn’t, but they could have, as far as I was concerned…at least for a few seconds. My body completely spent, I collapsed on top of Leigh, sweating, practically gasping for breath. “So fucking good.”
    She hugged me and kissed the side of my head as I succumbed to the aftermath of pure, unadulterated pleasure.
    At some point Leigh tried to slide out from under me. “Wait.” I grabbed the condom and pulled out of her.
    She turned away, reaching for her clothes, not looking at me.
    Not good.
    “Hey,” I said. “What’s wrong?”
    “I’m not…” She shrugged. “I don’t usually…”
    “Listen, you showed me yours and I showed you mine. We just had us some extremely hot, extremely satisfying sex. No regrets.” I leaned in and kissed her lower back. “No nerves. No embarrassment. Got it?”
    She flashed me a little smile and nodded. “We did just have us some extremely hot, extremely satisfying sex, didn’t we?” She looked rather proud of that fact.
    “We most certainly did.” I found my shorts and slipped them on. “Now point me to the bathroom.”
    “Inside to the left, just after the kitchen.”
    I walked in that direction. “When I come back, it’s my turn to lotion you up,” I said over my shoulder. “You’re starting to turn pink.”
    On my way past my bag, I grabbed another condom, in anticipation of round two.

    T oward the end of our third week together, Nick got us into a charming restaurant with stunning views of Sag Harbor Bay. “I love looking at the water.” Always had, ever since I was a child. “It’s so relaxing.”
    “You’ve never been here during a hurricane,” Nick said, buttering a roll.
    My stomach tightened at the thought of all that water churning about. I tore a roll in half and took a bite. “I’m sorry about yesterday,” when I’d thrown up over the side of the boat that’d taken us out for parasailing.
    Nick reached for my hand and gave it a squeeze. “Like I told you then, it’s no big deal. I’ve gone parasailing before, and I’ll go parasailing again.”
    Pretty sure the five other people on board hadn’t felt the same way. “Thank you.” I wasn’t typically prone to motion sickness, although I had suffered the occasional roller coaster-induced nausea in the past. Up until yesterday, boating had never bothered me. Not a good sign.
    A cute little blond waitress’s arrival at our table stopped my thoughts from plummeting into pregnancy paranoia. “My name’s Ashley. I’ll be your server this evening. Can I start you off with a drink?”
    If only. “Just water for me,” I told her.
    She turned to Nick.
    “Water for me, too.”
    When she left, I said, “Just because I’m not drinking alcohol doesn’t mean you can’t. I’m happy to serve as your designated driver.”
    “Take it as a compliment.” He set down his roll. “Lately, before the summer, that is, most of my dates have required a pre-pickup beer primer and a two-drink minimum for me to tolerate them through dinner. But with you,” he leaned in, resting one elbow on the table, “no alcohol buzz required for me to enjoy your company.”
    He had a way of warming me down to my soul. I smiled. “Thank you.” This time I reached for his hand, but rather than squeezing it, I held on. “I enjoy spending time with you, too. No alcohol buzz required for me, either.” Which was a good thing, considering…
    He smiled back. “Last night, while you were out with your friends, I told Murphy I got laid off.”
    I’d been wondering about that. “How’d it go?”
    “He’s gone into crisis mode. Starting today, we’re

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