The Twisted Future (Teen Superheroes Book 4)

Free The Twisted Future (Teen Superheroes Book 4) by Darrell Pitt

Book: The Twisted Future (Teen Superheroes Book 4) by Darrell Pitt Read Free Book Online
Authors: Darrell Pitt
‘Is he—?’
    ‘Dead. Let’s go.’
    Then we were outside the ship and in a corridor. Broken metal lay everywhere. So did the bodies of several security guards. Old Axel checked his map and pointed ahead.
    ‘This way!’ he snapped. ‘Double time.’
    Old Axel pulled a device from his side pouch. It resembled a memory stick, but larger. He approached a nearby computer and placed it to the screen. It gave a loud click and the image turned to static.
    ‘I’m glad that worked,’ he said. ‘It just changed this mission from impossible to barely survivable.’
    ‘What is that?’ I asked.
    ‘A scrambler virus. It was devised by the Agency some years ago. It’ll disrupt communications across the station for the next hour.’
    We ran down the corridor. Glancing back to the ship, I thought about Mr. Brown. I couldn’t believe we were just leaving him behind.
    ‘Mr. Brown—’ I began.
    ‘You want to bring him as a good luck charm?’ Old Axel grabbed the front of my shirt and slapped me hard across the face. ‘Listen to me! You must both follow every direction I give or we’ll die here! Do you understand?’
    We nodded dumbly. He was right. Our chances of survival were almost zero, and we couldn’t do anything to help Mr. Brown anyway. We reached a doorway that led to the next section as security guards appeared in the corridor ahead. 
    ‘Ebony!’ Old Axel yelled, pointing at the floor. ‘Oxygen!’
    The floor beneath the security team dissolved and they fell as one to the level below. There was a sickening thud as they crashed, followed by screams of pain.
    My future self grabbed me. ‘Fly us across to the opposite door.’
    I created a flying wing out of compressed air and got us across. Old Axel closed the door behind us. ‘Turn this door to titanium,’ he told Ebony.
    She looked puzzled, but complied. Old Axel produced a small box from his pocket. ‘Hold onto your hats,’ he said, smiling.
    He pushed the button. An instant later we heard a wumpf , the entire station shook and we were thrown to the floor. A new alarm started as Old Axel dragged us to our feet.
    ‘What the hell was that?’ I asked.
    ‘A nuclear device I installed on Liber8tor .’
    ‘A what?’
    ‘It’ll keep the Agency forces busy for a while.’
    I stared in horror at the titanium wall. If it hadn’t held—
    ‘Let’s go!’
    Another team of guards came charging out of a side passage and I knocked them out with a blast of air. We turned down a side corridor where another two guards appeared. Before I could react, Old Axel had shot them both in the chest, killing them instantly.
    I’m a monster , I thought. This world has turned me into a monster.
    We turned another corner and this time doors opened on both sides of the passage. This was all happening so fast. I couldn’t focus. Couldn’t concentrate. Guards charged through with guns raised and Old Axel shot them.
    He stopped to consult his map. ‘This is it,’ he said. ‘We need to go up a floor.’
    Looking upwards, I created a cyclone of air that I slammed into the ceiling. It dented—but held.
    ‘Again!’ Old Axel yelled.
    I fought back an angry retort. I wanted to smash him . Instead I focused, driving the hurricane force into the ceiling again. After three more attempts, a crack appeared and we stepped back as green liquid dripped down.
    ‘Take us up,’ Old Axel ordered.
    I didn’t bother to argue. I levitated us through the hole and entered a chamber more like a swamp than a room on a space station. Trees, vines and parasitic plants were everywhere. Dirt and muddy pools covered the floor. A rotten egg smell choked the air. Moss grew across the ceiling. The only illumination was the glow of the purple ceiling.
    ‘My God,’ I said. ‘Where the hell are we?’
    ‘The biological experimentation centre,’ Old Axel explained. ‘We’re almost there. We’ve only got one final obstacle to overcome.’
    A scream came from something behind me and was hit by the

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