Descent Into Chaos

Free Descent Into Chaos by Ahmed Rashid

Book: Descent Into Chaos by Ahmed Rashid Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ahmed Rashid
    Holbrooke, Richard
    Horton, Scott
    Human Development Index
    human rights
    Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP)
    Human Rights Watch
    “human security,”
    Hussain, Altaf
    Hussain, Chaudry Shujjat
    Hussain, Munawar
    Hussein, Saddam
    Idema, Jonathan
    “illegal enemy combatants,”
    improvised explosive devices (IEDs)
    Inderfurth, Karl
    borders of
    British rule of
    consulates of
    economy of
    Hindu population of
    Musharraf’s policy on-
    nuclear weapons of
    Pakistan’s relations with
    Pakistan’s war with ()
    Pakistan’s war with ()
    Partition of ()
    U.S. relations with
    Indian Airlines hijacking ()
    Indian Independence Act ()
    Interim National Development Strategy
    Interior Ministry, Afghan
    International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)
    International Criminal Court (ICC)
    International Deoband Conference ()
    International Monetary Fund (IMF)
    International Organization for Migration (IOM)
    International Security Assistance Force (ISAF)-
    Inter-Services Intelligence Directorate (ISI) - - -
    In the Line of Fire (Musharraf)
    Afghan refugees in
    Afghan relations with
    in Afghan war
    borders of
    drug trafficking in
    nuclear weapons of-
    as terrorist state
    U.S. relations with
    Afghanistan compared with
    al Qaeda forces in
    Hussein’s regime in
    international involvement in
    nuclear weapons in
    oil resources of
    reconstruction of
    as terrorist state
    Iraq war
    Afghan reconstruction and
    Afghan war compared with
    Bush’s strategy for
    failure of
    human rights record in-
    insurgency in-
    neoconservative rationale for
    public support for
    U.S. military forces in
    Islamic Democratic Alliance (IDA)-
    Islamic Jihad Union
    Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU)
    Islamic Republic of Afghanistan-
    Ivanov, Sergei
    Jabbar, Javed
    Jabour, Marwan
    Jalal, Masuda
    Jalali, Ali Ahmad
    Jamali, Zafarullah Khan
    Jamiat-e-Khudamul Koran
    Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam
    Jamil, Mohammed
    Janjalani, Abdurajak
    Janjua, Amina
    Jehangir, Asma
    Jilani, Faiz
    Jinnah, Mohammed Ali
    Jones, James
    Joya, Malalai
    Justice Department, U.S.
    “justice on the spot” system
    Kabulov, Zamir
    Kandahar -
    Kargil attack ()
    Karimov, Islam -
    Karimova, Gulnora
    Karmal, Babrak
    Karshi-Khanabad (K) air base
    Karzai, Abdul Ahad
    Karzai, Ahmed Wali
    Karzai, Hamid
    in Afghan war
    assassination attempt against
    background of
    George W. Bush’s relations with
    cabinet of
    corruption and
    economic policies of
    international support for
    in Loya Jirga
    Musharraf’s relations with
    Pakistan policy of
    political affiliation of
    Popalzai tribe of
    popular support for-
    as president -
    in presidential elections ()
    reconstruction efforts of-
    speeches of
    Taliban opposition to
    U.S. support for-
    warlords and
    Karzai, Zeenat
    al Qaeda forces in
    elections for
    Indian-Pakistani conflict in
    ISI forces in
    Islamic militants in
    Kargil attack in ()
    Musharraf’s policies on
    suicide bombings in
    U.S. mediation in
    Kasuri, Khurshid
    Kayani, Ashfaq
    Kazemi, Syed Mustafa
    Kellenberger, Jakob
    Kennan, George
    Kennedy, Patrick J.
    Kerry, John
    Khakrezwal, Mohammed Akram
    Khalili, Karim
    Khalili, Masud
    Khalilzad, Zalmay
    Khamenei, Ayatollah
    Khan, Abdul Qadeer
    Khan, Amanullah
    Khan, Amir Yaqub, king of Afghanistan
    Khan, Ayub
    Khan, Ghulam Ahmad
    Khan, Ghulam Ishaq
    Khan, Hayatullah
    Khan, Ismael
    Khan, Jalaluddin
    Khan, Jamal
    Khan, Jan Mohammed
    Khan, Liaquat Ali
    Khan, Mohammed Siddique
    Khan, Muzaffar
    Khan, Naeem Noor
    Khan, Naheed
    Khan, Sahibzada Yakub
    Khan, Sher Mohammed
    Khan, Yahya
    Khandan, Malik
    Khan Research Laboratories
    Khatami, Mohammad
    Khyber Pass
    Kinzer, Stephen
    Koenigs, Tom
    Laroche, Eric
    law, international
    Legal Framework Order
    Libi, Abu Laith al-
    Libi, Ibn al-Sheikh

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