Entry Island

Free Entry Island by Peter May

Book: Entry Island by Peter May Read Free Book Online
Authors: Peter May
Sergeant Arseneau to go find him as soon as we get back. We can interview him tonight or first thing tomorrow at the local Sûreté. But the minute the ferry has docked I want you and Blanc to go and talk to Madame Briand. The local boys have got an address for us.’
    Sime glanced at him and saw that his face was set. Whether against the weather, or some other obstacle to their investigation it was impossible to tell. But his mood was clearly black.
    Crozes said, ‘Trouble is, as Blanc pointed out, if we buy the wife’s story that she was the object of the attack, and not Cowell, why would either Briand or Clarke attack her?’
    Sime nodded. ‘What does Marie-Ange say?’
    ‘That there’s no evidence of a third party at the crime scene. She’s collected blood samples from the broken glass in the conservatory, hair and fibres from the body and the surrounding floor. They’ll go back to Montreal with Lapointe and the body for analysis. But not tonight. And maybe not in the morning either. Everything’s being locked down tight for this storm. The airport’s been closed. It’s unlikely that anyone or anything’s going to get on or off the Madeleines in the next twenty-four hours. Including Cowell and our samples.’
    They stood for a moment in silence watching how the boat carved a green channel that fanned out in their wake, rising and falling among the waves. Then Sime felt Crozes turn his face towards him. ‘Blanc said she was troubled by a piece of jewellery that’s gone missing.’
    Sime nodded.
    ‘What’s all that about?’
    Sime turned his head to look at him. ‘It’s the weirdest thing, Lieutenant. The moment I set eyes on her I could have sworn I knew her from somewhere.’
    Crozes frowned. ‘And do you?’
    Sime shrugged helplessly. ‘I can’t imagine how.’
    ‘And the jewellery?’
    ‘A pendant. An oval of red carnelian set in gold, and engraved with an arm holding a sword.’ He raised the back of his right hand so that Crozes could see his ring. ‘Exactly the same as this. So she said.’
    Crozes examined it for a moment before Sime had to clutch the rail again to steady himself. ‘But she can’t find it?’ the lieutenant said.
    Crozes was silent for several long moments. Then, ‘Seven billion people in the world, Sime. Everyone’s bound to look like someone. And don’t let her fuck with your mind. If she killed her husband it’s going to be hard enough to prove it as it is. She’s nobody’s fool, and who knows what kind of mind games she’s capable of. Just make sure you don’t lose your focus.’
    The Briand house was set off the road in amongst woods a little over a kilometre south of the police station on Cap aux Meules. On the short drive down the Chemin de Gros-Cap coast road, with Thomas Blanc beside him in the passenger seat, Sime felt the pull of the steering wheel as the wind battered in off the Baie de Plaisance and buffeted the high side of the minibus. Entry Island was lost in the storm somewhere out there across the bay, hunkered down against the full force of it. He caught Blanc looking at him. ‘Are you okay?’ the older man asked.
    ‘I’m not going to fall asleep at the wheel if that’s what you’re worried about.’
    Blanc grinned. ‘That’s not what I meant.’ He hesitated. ‘Just … you know … you and Marie-Ange.’
    Sime’s smile faded. ‘I’m fine.’ Then, quickly changing the subject, ‘What’s Crozes like to work for?’
    Blanc gazed thoughtfully through the rain-spattered windscreen. ‘He’s a good cop, Sime. But it’s all about him. He’s going places. You know,’ He lifted his eyes towards the heavens, ‘fast track to the top. Every case is important to him. Every conviction another step up the ladder. Do a good job and he’ll back you all the way. Screw it up and he’ll drop you right in it. Just don’t ever make the mistake of thinking he’s your friend. He’s not.’
    Sime nodded. He knew the type. And he

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