The Billionaire's Bargain (First Desire: Taming Savannah)
an irresistible nymphette.
    Any jokes about mousiness, or teasing about
being so skinny, had evaporated once Savannah’s natural sex appeal
began to shine through. Soon, it wasn’t just little boys who were
mesmerized by her, it was older boys. Even grown men stopped to
stare at the little vixen making her way through the park or
shopping mall. There was a raw, sensual quality about Savannah that
one could see coming from a mile away. And even though Savannah was
perfectly aware of this, she had been humbled by her early years as
a runt. She wasn’t one of those girls who had come out of the womb
with a beauty pageant crown glued to her head. She’d had to
cultivate a sense of humor and a sharp wit as a kid in order to be
extraordinary. The fact that she wasn’t just a pretty face endeared
her even more to her admirers, of which there were many.
    “Hey, ‘Vannah!” a voice called from across
the city street. Savannah looked up and, seeing who had summoned
her, let out an audible groan. It was some goon from her morning
class, all dressed up in his undergraduate uniform of a hoodie and
blue jeans. Every once in a while, one of these bland, dime a dozen
college boys would come to the false conclusion that Savannah might
ever be interested in him. Not a one had ever been correct in this
assumption, obviously. Still, they kept trying, like sailors
dashing themselves against the cliffs in pursuit of the sirens’
song. And this particular chap was no different. He made his way
across the street, nearly getting hit by a city bus en route, and
came up to the table where Claire and Savannah were sitting.
    “What is it,” Savannah drawled, not bothering
to utter the phrase as a question.
    “Just wanted to come say hi!” the boy said,
beaming down at Savannah with puppy dog adoration. “You weren’t in
class this morning!”
    “Why would I be in class this morning,
Jeremy?” Savannah asked.
    “Why...? I mean... Cause we’re in school?”
Jeremy said, a bit bemused. Savannah sighed theatrically and
lowered the heart-shaped sunglasses from her face. She fixed a
withering stare on the boy, which prompted Claire to avert her eyes
in preemptive sympathy.
    “Here’s the thing, Jere,” Savannah began, as
if speaking to a particularly slow five-year-old, “The only reason
I deigned to attend this circus of a university was because they
gave me a whole lot of money to live in the city for a few years
and pretend to give a shit about their courses. You know, or at
least you should, that not one of these classroom suck-fests
requires even more than a smidge of common sense to ace. Why, then,
would I waste my time attending a class called Representations of
Women when the only people offering opinions in said class are
pre-sexual morons like you who have never met, and certainly never
been with, a woman of real quality?”
    A heavy dome of silence fell over the three
students as Savannah wrapped up her tirade. Jeremy stared at her,
slack jawed. Claire cleared her throat and offered him a pitying
    “You can go now,” Claire prompted, “It’s
    The shellshocked boy turned on his heel and
hurried away, demolished by Savannah’s tongue lashing. Claire shook
her head, not at all surprised by Savannah’s antics.
    “What?” Savannah demanded, “He called me
‘Vannah’, for God’s sake.”
    “Still,” Claire said, “I wish you wouldn’t go
for the weak ones. It’s like those animal planet videos where the
alligator pops out of the water and swallows up the smallest
    Savannah snapped her jaws playfully in
response. Claire couldn’t help but giggle at her best friend’s
antics. However extreme or audacious Savannah could sometimes be,
she was an extraordinary girl, and Claire felt lucky to have
    “What does the rest of the day look like for
you?” Savannah asked Claire, as they gathered their belongings.
    “Let’s see,” Claire said, “I’ve got
back-to-back classes until three,

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