Forever Girl

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Book: Forever Girl by M. M. Crow Read Free Book Online
Authors: M. M. Crow
when she was making the rooms up. They feel more masculine than anything. Her room’s the only one on the main floor. She had that room painted a gray with a blue tint and the trim’s stained cherry. She has a king size four poster bed. It dominates a section of her room but doesn’t over power it. Nic decided to mount TV’s in every bedroom. Which is nice when you lay down at night and want to decompress. I wake with a huge smile on my face. I’m getting ready to see my family for the first time. I get in the shower and wash my hair. I grab my body wash and squirt some into my palm and start to wash my body. I make way to my cock and it starts to get hard while I start thinking about my girl. I’m half tempted to jack off. I decide that I’m not going to do that this morning. If everything goes like I want it to I’ll be in her bed tonight and between her legs to my promise land. I get out of the shower and start towel drying my body. I catch my reflection in the mirror. I wonder if she’ll like the changes I’ve made to my appearance. I’m not that young boy she once knew. I’m a man with a shit ton of tattoos, piercing, and a hell of a lot more muscular. I know she’ll like the piercing’s I have on my cock. I have to stop thinking about what my cock can do for her or I will never get this hard on to go away. I wonder how many lovers she’s had and if she’s in a relationship. Fuck why didn’t I ask Nic last night. At this point I don’t give a flying fuck. She’s mine. She just doesn’t know it yet. I make my way from my room and go to the kitchen. Everyone looks like they are getting ready for battle. I kiss Nic and tell her good morning. She grumbles something back to me. I give a little laugh and tell her she needs another cup of coffee.
    “Is Lyric in a relationship?” I ask
    “I wondered how long it would take for you to ask me that question? No she’s not in a relationship. From what I gather she’s never been in one.” She says with a smirk.
    That puts a huge smile on my face. I’m going to go get what’s mine and I won’t have to crush anybody to get to them. It’s 9 am and I’m ready to head to my girl’s house. I want to see her and meet my babies for the first time.
    Chapter 13
        It’s a little after 9 am and the kids are watching cartoons while eating their breakfast. I’m sucking down my coffee wondering if I should call Nic. Or if she’s going to call me. I go to the bathroom to get some pain reliever. I drank just a little too much wine last night. I hear a couple of motorcycles outside and I wish they would turn them off. They’re making my head hurt just a little bit more. Normally I like the sound and the looks of motorcycles. They’re some seriously sexy machines. I’ve seen some damn good looking guys riding them. I wonder what it would feel like to be on the back of a bike. Having a sexy as fuck man controlling the machine between our legs. I’m interrupted from my daydream by a knock the door. I look down at myself and think well this is about as good as it gets this morning. Hopefully I can send whoever’s at the door away. I want to be lazy with the twins until I hear from Nic. Normally I look to see who’s at my door. For some reason this morning I don’t even bother. As soon as I open the door I shut it immediately out of shock. I look to see if either of the twins are looking. They’re still watching TV upstairs. I open the door and he has a smirk on his face and his eyes are laughing. I step out of my door and shut it behind me.
    “Hi babe.” He says to me in a rugged sexy as fuck voice.
    I don’t know if I want to smack him, hug him, kiss him, or punch him in his fucking face.

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