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Book: Tha-lah by Nena Duran Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nena Duran
was bustling with activity. Ry-ahl’s contact owned a large six-sectioned freighter. Each of them was made up of five hundred storage cubes.
    That kind of ship was perfect for delivery into hard-to-reach areas. Depending on the order, a single cube or an entire section could be remotely detached and maneuvered. The elite warriors now traveled to the inner part of the belt concealed inside one of them.
    Tyl’mok, the freighter captain, had most of them rigged to avoid life signs detection. He was unlike any other Jog’nafan they’d ever encounter. Groo’lat knew he was still ruthless, but true to his cause.
    “I’m in the business of making credits while ruining the consortium,” Tyl’mok proudly declared when asked why he helped them.
    His wife and sons had been kidnaped and killed by mercs working with the consortium. As far as the Kreeh-nosh, he blamed them for the downfall of his race.
    “Two minutes to dock.”
    Groo’lat looked up still surprised at the added feature. The cube had a concealed AI and a fully independent navigational system. Tyl’mok had told him only three of his containers had one. There was no telling when freight had to separate and make a run for it. Pirates and mercs were a constant hazard in these parts.
    “Warriors, activate your armor now. Groo’lat, you’re with me. Xy, O’frahm, you’re together. The rest of you take your positions by the exits and cover us,” Commander Dru-lah ordered. It was the second mission under his command. His reputation as one of the best combat warriors in the armada was well deserved.
    Groo’lat vowed to fight with all his strength and skills to bring Security Chief Mah’yanna back safe and sound. As a sign of atonement, he carried the same ro’traal from the prison. It’d belonged to a guard who had died during the attack. By slaying as many enemies as he could, he would bring honor to his senseless death. Commander Dru-lah agreed to return it to the family.
    Squaring his shoulders, Groo’lat followed his commander out while sending his mate all his love. This was no longer a suicide mission. He now had a reason to live.
    “Docking completed. Opening hatch doors.”
    An assortment of robotic units unloaded the cargo as the warriors quickly deployed. Once inside, they had to avoid detection as long as possible.
    The asteroid was a small facility with only three levels. Based on Tyl’mok’s specs the lower level was just storage, the second contained the research lab and the first level the actual testing and subject holding cells.
    “Spread out. Search pattern nineteen eighty,” Commander Dru-lah ordered, drawing his ro’traal.
    Groo’lat activated the holo map, which pointed to the corridor to the right. According to it, there was a row of cells fifty feet ahead.
    “Attention, the fight schedule has changed. Proceed to the main testing area now. You have two minutes or you’ll be disqualified.”
    The sudden announcement could only mean T’zaal knew they were there.
    * * * *
    “Sir, we’ve detected seven life signs near the cargo bay.”
    A Kreeh-nosh foot soldier rushed in with the news. T’zaal hated working with these lowly incompetents, but had no other choice. Once he defeated the Pendo’rahns, he’d go after the insolent breeders. Those who refused to submit would be killed instantly.
    “Is there a small female among them?” He knew the answer already, but wanted concrete proof of the Pendo’rahn duplicity.
    “A female is with them. She’s a Pendo’rahn warrior.”
    “Check again. The female should read as Pendo’rahn but much smaller.”
    “Negative, the only female is just your average size warrior” the foot soldier replied while narrowing the search parameters.
    “Very well then, make the announcement. The fight starts in two minutes.” T’zaal had expected something like that to happen. After all, he didn’t think for a moment Briq would just hand over his mate.
    He was still angry over

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