Edge (Gentry Boys #7)

Free Edge (Gentry Boys #7) by Cora Brent

Book: Edge (Gentry Boys #7) by Cora Brent Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cora Brent
and clapped a hand on my shoulder, scrutinizing me.  “What’s up, little brother?  Are times so tough you’re running out of wardrobe options?”
    “Huh?” I glanced down and realized I’d forgotten to put my shirt back on.  “Damn.”
    Stone was amused.  “Did you arrive in that condition or were you subject to a strip search?”
    What the hell had I done with my damn shirt anyway?  I remembered squeezing the water out of it and then I might have flung it onto a tree branch yet when I looked over at the area where I’d been managing the aquatics I didn’t see anything that looked like abandoned clothing.
    “Give me a break,” I grumbled, “I was doing a good deed.” 
    Stone jerked his head in the direction of the two women who had been eyeing me a moment earlier.  “I see a few of the ladies are enjoying your sacrifice.” 
    “Yeah, I saw them.  Who are they anyway?”
    “Friends of Evie’s.”  He raised an eyebrow.  “Want me to introduce you?”
    I shifted uneasily.  Stone was well aware of my scandalous history with women and he was trying to show me that he trusted I would be a gentleman.  The problem was I knew how this could end up and a dirty fuck with some classy stranger sounded way too appealing.  Stone might trust me but I didn’t completely trust myself. 
    For some reason Roslyn’s face flashed across my mind.  An age old hunger stirred inside of me.  Ever since that awkward encounter last night I’d been going back and forth between trying forget I’d ever seen her to wishing I hadn’t acted like such a prick. 
    “Better not,” I finally told my brother and he looked at me curiously. 
    Luckily I was saved from the task of explaining anything because the Gentry twins, Cami and Cassie, were back. 
    “Mommy said to give you these,” said Cami, handing me a folded towel while her sister quietly offered a clean shirt. 
    “Thanks,” I said. 
    Cami nodded.  “She put your disgusting, wet shirt in the wash.”  Then she beamed.  “Hi, Stone!” 
    “We were just looking at Evie’s ring!” exclaimed Cassie, bouncing on her toes.  “Did you get down on one knee when you proposed?  Was she surprised?”
    “Did she say yes right away?” Cami demanded to know.
    “Of course she did,” said Cassie, with an indignant frown.  “She did , didn’t she?”
    “She did,” confirmed Stone, smiling down at the two girls.  Then he adopted a serious look and dropped theatrically to one knee, shifting to a solemn tone.  “And I told her she had just made me the happiest man on earth.” 
    “Wow,” breathed Cassie.  “I hope someday a man says something just like that to me.” 
    “Gross,” Cami groaned, rolling her eyes at such sentimental hogwash.  I laughed.  That little girl was a trip. 
    “You shut up,” Cassie snapped at her sister.  “You think I don’t see you making out with that Justin Bieber poster on your closet door every chance you get?”
    Cami’s face reddened.  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” 
    “Yes you do.  You even say his name in your sleep.” 
    “Bieber lover!” 
    The girls seemed on the verge of coming to blows and I wouldn’t know what to do if that happened so I was glad when their father appeared and told them to help bring some of the food out. 
    Stone stood back up and whistled.  “A few more years and Cordero’s going to have his hands full with those two.” 
    I pulled the shirt over my head.  It was a simple dark blue polo that must belong to the man of the house.  “I wouldn’t worry about Cord’s girls.  I’d worry more about any poor, lovesick boy who dares to ring the doorbell.” 
    Chase found us a few seconds later. He had his youngest son, a strapping blonde toddler, by the hand, however the boy kept trying to shake free of his father’s grip and escape.  Chase managed to corral the boy while regaling us with tales from the front lines of an American

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