Troy and Cooper, Cooper t he fastest, ran towards me.  Troy was immediately apologizing and telling me something about getting my attention.  I waved them off and tried to smile, but it hurt and they both saw it.
                  “Remi, come on, let me get yo u some ice.” Cooper pled , but all I knew was that he was touching my arm. 
                  I nodded and he took me by the elbow and we started across the street and into his Dad’s house.  He got some ice out and a dish towel and put it to my lip.  By then, Troy and Josie had come in too and Josie was saying something about maiming her new friend the day before school. I thought she was quiet but she was definitely showing that she had some moxie. 
                  I looked up horrified at the realization that I was going to have a fat lip on the first day of school but didn’t say anything that was going to perpetuate my newfound vanity.
                  “It’s my fault Remi, I asked him to get your attention so that I could say ‘hi’ to you.”
                  “It’s ok.  It’s no big deal.  I should go.  I was trying to get to Josie’s to watch a movie.”
                  I made an attempt to move away from the kitchen counter but he stopped me by taking hold of my hand. 
                  “Just stop and keep the ice on for a few more minutes. ” He said and his bare chest heaved in short palpitations that matched mine breath for breath. His knee brushed against mine, purposefully or not, I didn ’t know and frankly I didn’t care.
                  I figured that a few minutes had passed though I was entranced for what seemed like hours.  He didn’t seem to be faring so well either.  I put the ice down and whispered a quiet ‘thank you’ and tried to move away from the c ounter but he still held my hand.  I blushed like I’ve never blushed before and he took it as his cue to let go .  Josie cleared her throat and said “Thanks guys, but I think we can handle it from here.  But thanks for the first day of school fat lip.”  She gave a huge fake smile, like a game show host, and two big thumbs up.  Sarcasm? I loved this girl already.
                  We went over to her house and I put some more ice on my lip.  We watched a movie and her mom made us some dinner.  About nine, I decided to go back home and get some Tylenol in me before I t ried to go to sleep.  Josie offered to give me a ride to school and I was relieved.  Otherwise I was going to have to go almost an hour early with Aunt Brenda. 
                  I got to sleep early after an explanation to Aunt Brenda about my lip.  She didn’t even ask other than to make sure that I was ok and not in pain, but I wanted to explain so that she didn’t think I got into a fight.  I didn’t want her to think that I was anywhere near making trouble or pulling a Tuesda y.  She just patted my hand and said she never thought once that it was anything I did.  It was a new feeling to  be trusted.  Mom never trusted me not because of who I was, but because of stress, not to me ntion Tuesday’s constant antics and her distrust in the general male population.
                  I had a real problem, I realized as I lay in bed.  I wanted Cooper to kiss me today.  I wanted him to hold my hand again.  I wanted him as close or closer to me as he was today in his Dad’s kitchen.  And that was a problem, because it wasn’t in my plan.  Perchance it could work.

                  I c ame on too strong.  I barely knew her and I held her hand and God help me when she was standing there and I could smell the toothpaste scent coming from her mouth, I nearly went for it right there in front of Troy and

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