To Bed or to Wed
skirts briefly flared about her ankles. And deliciously trim ankles they were, too. “Somehow, I’m not convinced it is a pleasant surprise.” She raked her gaze over his form. Heat skittered over his skin from the regard. “I’ve accidentally stumbled into a private place, haven’t I?”
    “You have. However, I don’t mind sharing it with you.” He gestured at the log. “Please, resume your seat and contemplation. This spot is conducive to reflection. I come here quite often myself.”
    “Will you share the morning with me?” Charlotte settled in and held his gaze, hers a brilliant blue. “It would be a shame to waste the quiet. As much as I adore Jamie, he does tend to prattle on about meaningless things at times.”
    “ Both counts are true.” He stood, awkwardly stamping the snow from his boots, and when her kissable lips formed a tiny pout, he quickly took seat next to her. “What are you doing out here? I thought you might have gone riding except you didn’t follow the group.”
    “You spied on me?” Indignation sent her voice up an octave.
    “Come down from the boughs. I wasn’t spying. I merely watched the party head out from my sitting room window.” What did a man do in such a situation? Pat the woman’s hand? Somehow that seemed patronizing. Not to mention, for all intents and purposes, he’d compromised her in his study and hadn’t apologized for it. What a coil. Instead, he did nothing save rest his gloved hands on his thighs and wait.
    How ridiculous I am . He was out of practice socializing with the opposite sex . Had never sought them out for any purpose in recent years.
    “Well, I suppose that’ s different.”
    “Are you an avid proponent of nature then?”
    “Not especially.” She lifted her face to the chilly breeze. “I might not enjoy many outdoor activities, but that doesn’t mean I hate the out of doors.”
    “ Does that mean you dislike horseback riding?”
    “Very much so.” She turned slightly toward him and her knee brushed his. “No matter how much I adore the animal s, they refuse to keep me seated. Once,” a smile curved her lips. “A gentleman had taken me riding one morning in the summertime. We’d barely gone a mile away from the house before my horse just quit moving forward. No amount of urging would encourage it along the path, but the moment I touched a heel to its side, it spooked and reared. I found myself on my bottom in the dust with a smarting pride.”
    The heat that transferred from her to him distracted him. “How unfortunate.” He stared at her lips before yanking his gaze to the trampled snow at his feet. “Perhaps you haven’t found the right teacher or a challenge tempting enough to keep you in the saddle.” Shock settled in his chest upon realizing his intention was to tease her.
    One of her eyebrows rose. “Careful, Lord Ravenhurst. It sounds as if you wish to be such a teacher.”
    “My name is Nathan.” For reasons he refused to puzzle out, he yearned to hear her make use of it. “I know you can say it.”
    Her smile widened . “Nathan.” No trace of censure appeared in her gaze. Perhaps she didn’t hold his inexcusable behavior the other day against him.
    “Much better. And no, I hadn’t considered a position of riding instructor, but perhaps I should. It would depend on the student.” Imagine meeting her early in the morning at the stables. Time alone spent only in her company, teaching her to ride. Yet, the last time they had been alone, disaster had nearly befallen them. “Would you be interested?” Shock from his daring shot through his chest.
    “I’m not entirely certain.” She looked away. “I haven’t attempted riding for many years.”
    “Well, perhaps when you’re ready you’ll find someone willing to instruct and encourage.” Heavy silence lingered between them as he searched for something else to say. The art of conversing had apparently escaped him as well. “You should wear blue more often.”

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