Tattooed Soul

Free Tattooed Soul by Kera Lynn

Book: Tattooed Soul by Kera Lynn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kera Lynn
Chapter 1


    As the morning sun
hit my face, I felt her breath on me. She wrapped herself around me in a loving
embrace, and I found myself unwilling to let go or move. I dared not open my
eyes. Slowly her hand wound down the side of my body until it reached the top
of my jeans. She tugged on the side as if willing it to go further down. Still,
I did not move. I prepared myself for what was to come. I heard the zipper move
before I could even let out the breath I had been holding.
    Her warm hand snaked its way into my
pants to find my hardening cock. Gently at first, fingers intertwined with the
folds, causing my penis to lengthen to its fullest. Her hand continued to move
with ever increasing speed. The teeth from the zipper rubbed on the shaft,
causing me to flinch, but I still tried to remain motionless. The pain and the pleasure
continued to build, and a throaty moan escaped my lips.
    With my eyes shut tightly, the blackness
was suddenly awash with color as my orgasm consumed me. I had painted this
picture in my mind, and opening my eyes would disrupt its fragile state. I
lingered for a bit in my state of euphoria, feeling her hand once again leave
my pants and smooth out over my stomach.
    “Rebecca, is it time to get up now?” I
asked. At last, I raised my eyes for my answer, only to find her leaning out
her bedroom window.
    Just as she did every morning, my beauty
greeted the day with a deep breath and a smile. Her hair cascaded over her
shoulder and caught the light of the sun.
    I reached out to touch her skin and feel
her warmth, but I was stopped by the sound of an approaching car. I had stayed
too long.
    Quickly I gathered my belongings, making
sure to leave no signs of my being there. Rebecca continued to watch the rising
sun as I quietly made my exit. I had my mat, my blanket, my cardboard, and the
remains of last night’s dinner. I smoothed out the grass and leaves to ensure
there was no trace of my stay. I had spent many nights below her window, and as
of yet, no one had been aware of my presence.  Sometimes I felt as if she
knew I was here, but she had never acknowledged it.  Was I a stalker?
Perhaps so.  The need to watch over her and protect her just felt right,
and in my life, I needed to hold close things that felt right.  So many
things made me feel like shit.
    Before I could get too far, I glanced
once more at my angel, who was now returning to her world. She didn’t see me.
No one ever saw me but for a fleeting moment in the dawn of each day, Rebecca
Hunter and I shared a brief moment together. Of course she was unaware of my
presence, but this intersection of our worlds was the only thing keeping me
    I had lived in Ryder for about two years,
after moving in with a foster family. I was a senior at Ryder High School, but
I would venture to say that no one even knew I went to school there. I attended
classes, I did my work, but I spoke to no one. I had cut myself off from
everyone, and that was the way I liked it. The further away people stayed, the
less likely anyone would know the truth about me.
    Even the way I looked sent people the
message to leave me the fuck alone. I had long, unkempt hair, which I used to
hide my face. I wore a dark jacket and a cap whenever possible. Though it was
against the school’s rules, most of the teachers would not even approach me to
ask me to take it off.
    On the rare occasion that someone
reminded me of the 'rules,' I would simply lower my head and leave. This might
have seemed to be an odd reaction, and one that could have caused people to
think I was weak. However, the few people that had made that mistake would not
be doing so again.
    When I first arrived in Ryder, a fucking
dick named Todd tried to get me to fall in line. It was my fucking hat that
drew his attention. He saw my armor as a weakness and attempted to make an
example of me.
    I tried to walk away. I tried to keep my
anger intact. But he just had to keep pushing and taunting.

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