[Yukon Quest 01] - Treasures Of The North

Free [Yukon Quest 01] - Treasures Of The North by Tracie Peterson

Book: [Yukon Quest 01] - Treasures Of The North by Tracie Peterson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tracie Peterson
Tags: Ebook, book
plotting with Grace for her escape.
    ‘‘Aunt Doris said the actresses will come tomorrow at exactly seven o’clock,’’ Karen confided to Myrtle and Grace. ‘‘They will be dressed as maids and appear for all purposes to have come from one of the local agencies in order to help with the wedding.’’
    ‘‘Wonderful!’’ Myrtle declared. ‘‘I will ring up and have other girls sent over as well. That way they may all mingle together. No one will be the wiser.’’
    ‘‘I thought you might see the benefit in such a ruse,’’ Karen replied.
    Grace noticed the worry lines around her mother’s eyes. She looked so tired and so worn from the events of the last few days. ‘‘Mother, are you certain that when all is said and done, you and Father will be able to patch this up?’’
    Myrtle patted her daughter’s hand. ‘‘I know my husband very well. I know him so well, in fact, that I know this Mr. Paxton has done more than cause him to build an indebtedness in monetary means. No, there is more to this than meets the eye, and once you are safely away, I intend to know what it is all about. Frederick will calm down and see the sense of it. Whatever the price, it will be worth knowing that you are protected.’’
    ‘‘But I don’t feel that way. I don’t wish to be protected at all cost,’’ Grace protested. ‘‘If it means that either you or Father are left to suffer, then I want no part of that.’’
    ‘‘We won’t suffer, my dear. Just remember that. I have the jewels and other trinkets that can be sold. And there is property and such that can also be arranged for. Do not worry about us.’’
    Grace nodded, but her heart felt even more heavy. Her mother had already given them a great deal of money. Money that Grace wasn’t entirely sure couldn’t be better spent elsewhere. Perhaps even in buying off Mr. Paxton.
    The next twenty-four hours passed in a flurry of activities for Grace. Her father presumed her to be resolved to the wedding, and at one point over breakfast he had even made a rather pleasant speech about how this choice would have a way of benefiting them all in the long run. He was certain Grace could come to care for Paxton, while Grace knew in her heart that she had no intention of ever caring for the man.
    After lunch in the afternoon, Grace and Karen pretended to be busy fitting Myrtle’s wedding dress to Grace’s more slender frame. No one anticipated seeing the women for the rest of the afternoon, and when dinner came and Grace pleaded a headache, no one thought it amiss that she should take her meal upstairs in the privacy of her room.
    By seven o’clock, the temporary maids arrived and with them two actresses who were rather eager for their parts. Slipping the two women upstairs, Myrtle Hawkins met with Karen and Grace to listen to the final plans.
    ‘‘This is Mavis and Celia,’’ Karen explained. ‘‘Mavis will pretend to be Grace and Celia will be me. They will leave in the morning for a day of shopping. Should anyone be watching them, they will see the ladies in the carriage, making arrangements for Grace’s trousseau.
    ‘‘Meanwhile, dressed in their clothes,’’ Karen continued, ‘‘Grace and I will accompany several of the maids on various tasks that you have outlined.’’
    Myrtle nodded. ‘‘I have a list already prepared.’’
    ‘‘Good,’’ Karen replied. ‘‘Have it designed so that at the appropriate time, Grace and I can slip away unnoticed. Perhaps at the market.’’
    Myrtle smiled. ‘‘That would work perfectly. I can assign each of those who accompany you to different tasks. One can go to the baker and one to the florist.’’
    ‘‘Exactly. If anyone is watching, which hopefully they won’t be if they believe us to be nothing more than servants, they’ll suspect nothing,’’ Karen replied.
    ‘‘I do so appreciate what all of you are doing to help my daughter,’’ Myrtle said, looking first to Karen and then to the

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