Unexpected Chance

Free Unexpected Chance by Joanne Schwehm

Book: Unexpected Chance by Joanne Schwehm Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joanne Schwehm
well. I start tomorrow.” I wasn’t
able to hold back my excitement. I knew he could tell that I was really happy.
    We made it back to reception, and Mark shook my hand. “Welcome to
Walker-Stone.” I noticed that when my hand was in Mark’s I didn’t feel
anything, not like when Alex touched me.
    “Thank you, Mark, see you in the morning.” He turned and left. I
couldn’t help but look at him; he was just as delicious walking away. I
wonder if he’s a romantic. I’d have to ask Julie, who was running up to me.
    “Congratulations, Aubrey! Brian told me the news. I am so
excited! It is going to be so cool working with you! We must go celebrate. The White
Orchid, here we come!” I remembered it was ladies’ night, and I imagined the
women who’d be there. I took off my blazer, making my appearance look more
appropriate for drinks than business.
    I was suddenly very nervous. We headed over to the club. “Julie,
did you tell Brett we were coming?”
    “No, but I should text him and tell him to get out a bottle of champagne!”
She went to get her phone out of her purse.
    I grabbed her hand. “No, don’t!”
    “What’s wrong, Aubrey?”
    “Please don’t text him; I don’t want to be expected.” My heart
was beating, and I swear it was going to jump out of my chest. “I want to see
how Alex acts when I’m not around.” I hung my head. I couldn’t help but think
what an awful person I was.
    “Seriously? You need to reconsider your research; just let this
be what it is. If you feel like writing about it after that, then come clean
with Alex and tell him.”
    “What happened to my carefree friend? Where is the Julie who
hates players and warned me off Alex?”
    “All I am saying is that you could have something with him. I
jumped to judgment. Even Brett said he saw a difference in him since he’s met
you. Let’s just have fun tonight, okay? We’re celebrating you. Let’s do it!”
    I smiled. “Okay. I’m sorry, Julie. If you want to text Brett, go
    “No need. We’re here.”
    Looking out the window, I spotted Alex’s car. My hands shook as I
grabbed the door handle. I paused and took a deep breath; I stepped out of the
car. I straightened my outfit and put some clear gloss on my lips. Julie and I
walked into the club. The atmosphere was different. There weren’t too many
people, but it was still early. I spotted Tyler right away. He was behind the
bar. I looked around but didn’t see Brett or Alex. Julie and I walked up to the
bar, and Tyler smiled at us. “Ladies, what will be your pleasure this evening?”
God, the way he said that, I could have ordered an orgasm, and it wouldn’t have
been in a shot glass.
    Julie smiled, “Hi, Tyler, we’re celebrating tonight. Aubrey here
is now part of the work force; we’d like two champagnes please.”
    “Congratulations!” His smile could bring you to your knees. “Two champagnes
coming up.” He turned to go get our drinks.
    Julie looked around. I knew who she was looking for. A smile grew
across her face, and then it dropped instantly. “Why don’t we go get a table,
Aubrey?” She was pointing to an area to our right.
    I looked to the left, where her eyes had just been. I saw Brett
sitting at a table and across from him was Alex and Leah. As soon as I spotted them,
she looked at me and gave me a sympathetic grin. I felt a little angry and
slightly jealous—no very jealous and very pissed. I wasn’t going to show
emotion in front of her or Alex. Once a player always a player, right?
    I had an idea. “Hey, Julie, do you have Mark’s number?”
    Julie just looked at me; she knew that I’d seen Alex. “Yeah, I
have it, why?”
    “Text him and tell him to meet us here to celebrate.” I knew it
was the immature thing to do, but I didn’t care.
    Julie just looked at me. She knew I would protect myself by
getting mad rather than cry. “Do you think that’s a good idea?”
    “It’s the best idea I’ve had all week.” It

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