Hannah in the Spotlight

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Book: Hannah in the Spotlight by Natasha Mac a'Bháird Read Free Book Online
Authors: Natasha Mac a'Bháird
as well if we can,’ I said. ‘Posy wouldn’t be wearing her ballet gear on the first day, when they go to the academy.’
    ‘Oh, good point,’ Meg said. ‘Let’s see what else we can find.’
    We tried on one thing after another and modelled them for each other, striding up and down the attic as if we wereon the catwalk.
    ‘Meg! Hannah!’ Sadie called. ‘Lunch is ready whenever you want to come down!’
    ‘Good, I’m hungry after all this hard work,’ Meg said with a giggle.
    We gathered up all the clothes and accessories we thought we might use, then Meg shoved the rest back into the trunk. I went down the ladder first and Meg threw everything down to me one by one.
    ‘Stand back, this is a big one!’ she shouted.
    I quickly stepped back into the bathroom, just in time to dodge an enormous book which Meg flung down the ladder. It fell on the landing with a giant thud, and I saw that it was the Complete Works of Shakespeare. No wonder it had made such a noise!
    ‘Oops,’ said Meg. ‘Just thought that might come in handy.’
    ‘Everything OK up there?’ Sadie called up the stairs.
    ‘Yes thanks!’ Meg said.
    ‘That’s good, because it sounds a bit like a herd of elephants is about to fall through my ceiling,’ Sadie said. ‘Did you find what you were looking for?’
    ‘We got tons of brilliant stuff,’ I told her. ‘Are you sure you don’t mind us borrowing it?’
    ‘Of course not,’ Sadie said. ‘It’s lovely to see it being used again.’
    ‘We’ll take good care of it, I promise,’ I said, following Sadie and Meg into the kitchen. ‘Where did you get it all?’
    ‘Oh, I’m sure Meg’s told you all about how I used to––’
    ‘How you used to go around all the vintage markets collecting things,’ Meg interrupted. ‘Yes, I was just starting to tell you, Hannah.’
    An odd look passed between Sadie and Meg before Sadie turned away to the hob, where a big saucepan full of soup was bubbling away. ‘Yes, that’s right. I’ve always liked collecting things. And there are some wonderful markets around. Meg sometimes comes with me – you can come with us some day too if you like.’
    She handed me a steaming bowl of soup, then went back to ladle out some more for Meg and herself.
    ‘I’d love to,’ I said. I glanced at Meg, but she wouldn’t meet my eye. Somehow the atmosphere had changed in the room.
    ‘What are you girls up to later?’ Sadie asked, putting a big basket of bread down on the table.
    ‘We’re going over to Laura’s to rehearse,’ Meg said. ‘But don’t tell Mum, OK?’
    Sadie frowned. ‘Why not?’
    ‘She’s just being a bit funny about the whole thing,’ Meg said, reaching for a piece of bread. ‘Don’t worry, Sadie. I’m not lying to her or anything. I’m just choosing not to pass on particular information unless absolutely necessary.’
    Meg was good at that, I thought to myself.
    Sadie muttered something that sounded a bit like ‘What a lot of secrets’.
    Meg started telling Sadie all about the scenes we’d been doing. Sadie was so enthusiastic that Meg got up and started acting out her part. She was word-perfect already, I was thrilled to see. I’d been a bit worried that I’d end up having to convince everyone to learn their lines, but that definitely wasn’t going to be the case with Meg. More than that, I already got the sense that she was Petrova. When she was acting out the scene where Petrova is rehearsing for a part in a play and getting everything wrong she seemed to have captured Petrova just right – her reluctance to act at all, but also her worry about making a fool of herself.
    ‘Wonderful, Meg!’ Sadie said. ‘You’re doing a very good job of showing us how Petrova feels in this scene. How about you, Hannah? Show me what you’ve been rehearsing.’
    I suddenly felt very shy, but I made myself get up and join in. If I couldn’t act in front of Meg’s lovely granny, how would I ever stand up in front of an

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