The Daughter of an Earl

Free The Daughter of an Earl by Victoria Morgan

Book: The Daughter of an Earl by Victoria Morgan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Victoria Morgan
or two? Are you certain they would deny me then? The daughter of an earl? Even if I pleaded ever so politely?”
    He narrowed his eyes. “Sarcasm does not become you.”
    Her expression cleared, and she shrugged. “Then stop patronizing me. It does not become
and insults me.” She eyed him with scorn. “With three sisters, you should know that as much as men like to believe otherwise, women do have a brain in their heads, and we are quite capable of using it. I have had a year to consider this matter, and I do not take it lightly. I am well aware of the obstacles, and the . . . the dangers that I face.”
    She lifted her chin. “But perhaps I have made a mistake. Not in continuing this discussion with you, but in initiating it in the first place, because I refuse to spend time with someone who condescends to me. More important, who believes I am a vacuous, featherbrained female. One who would confront the East India Company without a thought, a plan, or evidence to back up my accusations. I have given this matter serious consideration. It has been all I have thought of over the last twelve months. Keeping me company when no one else would.” Her voice finished on a hitch, and she turned to gaze out the window and draw deep, even breaths.
    He opened his mouth to protest, and then closed it. She had a point, and he had to concede it. He had been an arrogant arse, but it irritated him to be called on it. Sighing, he lightened his tone. “Featherbrained female? I was thinking more along the lines of obdurate, headstrong, and stiff-necked.”
Athena, goddess of war
—but he kept that to himself.
    She turned to him and after a moment, she, too, relented. “Omit headstrong, replace obdurate with determined and stiff-necked with strong, and I accept your apology.”
    â€œObdurate. One who stubbornly refuses to change one’s opinion. Obdurate stands.”
    She eyed him silently, and then shrugged. “It does not matter. Your opinion is of no consequence to me.”
    He laughed. “You have made that clear. However, if I am going to assist you, you are going to have to be prepared to hear it. In business, the best alliances are forged when there is an equal exchange of ideas. When two people can express their opinions in a constructive manner that is beneficial to both parties.”
    As the import of his words sunk in, a flash of hope blazed in her eyes. “You . . . you are considering assisting me?”
    â€œIf I cannot change your mind, you leave me no choice. Who else is going to make sure you do not get your beautiful, obdurate head lopped off?” She might be intelligent and have a plan of action, but she was still a doe waltzing into a den of foxes. Such confrontations never boded well for the doe.
    He could swear that he saw the flame of hope flare brighter. Then her lips curved into a smile that stole his breath.
    Her smile was disturbing for its rarity. Like a falling star, you had to catch it quickly before it disappeared. At least, it was rare for her to shine it on
. The surprise of it had turned him as addled as Daniel was when Julia entered a room. It could prove problematic, because he needed to be sharp-witted to stay one step ahead of her. Silence settled between them, with only the rumble of the carriage wheels and a distant giggle from Agnes filling it.
    â€œThank you. I accept your gracious offer of assistance . . . and . . . and the dubious compliment.”
    Her words shattered his thoughts, and he cleared his throat. “Just one question:
Why me
? Why not Daniel?”
    â€œJulia would never forgive me if I involved Daniel in this. Not after all they have been through to arrive where they are.”
    â€œAh, now I understand. I am expendable.”
    She flushed. “Of course not. You built Curtis Shipping from the ground up. That demonstrates determination, ingenuity, and

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