Starseers: Fallen Empire, Book 3

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Book: Starseers: Fallen Empire, Book 3 by Lindsay Buroker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lindsay Buroker
Tags: General Fiction
muttered. “Beck, unless you’re itching to see if any of the Starseers keep fangcats for pets, why don’t you stay here and keep an eye on Mica and the ship?”
    “Can I do that with the hatch closed and the heat on, Captain?”
    “Yes. In fact, I’d prefer the hatch to be closed. If anyone tries to get on the ship, let me know about it.”
    “Yes, ma’am.” He gave her a brief salute before sticking his hands under his armpits.
    Alisa hurried to catch up with Leonidas and Alejandro and followed them down, pulling her jacket tight since the air was every bit as chilly as one would expect from the north pole.
    The people who she had heard talking came into view. Six tall, fit men in Starseer robes stood in a row to the side of the ramp, each one holding one of those black staffs, the butts resting on the ground. Other Starseers that Alisa had seen in person or on vids had worn the black robes in such a way that they fully obscured their bodies, usually with the hoods up. The hoods were down on these men, and the robes were open in front, revealing fitted gray or white vests that showed off muscular chests. Alisa had always imagined the Starseers as crazy old men who relied upon their minds for everything and did not bother lifting so much as a pen with their fingers, so seeing people who clearly exercised surprised her. They weren’t as thickly muscled as a cyborg, but they definitely looked like warriors rather than scholars. More than warriors, she realized, as they scrutinized her, Alejandro, and Leonidas—especially Leonidas. Guards. These people looked like they were here to deal with trouble if it arose.
    Abelardus stood slightly to the side of the group, his robe also open to display a similar tight vest and muscular torso. Was he the leader of the squad? He looked a little older than the others, in his thirties perhaps, instead of his twenties like the younger warriors.
    Off to the side, Yumi stood with another Starseer, this one still wearing a hood.
    “Have you come to deliver that artifact to its rightful home?” one of the young warriors asked, looking at Alejandro. Maybe they weren’t the mind readers the stories said they were. If he knew what was in Alejandro’s thoughts, he would know the answer.
    The warrior frowned up and down Alejandro’s body—not impressed by the monk’s robe and pendant? The Starseers were reputed to be followers of the suns, like most in the system these days, but they had their own variation on the religion and might not be respectful of what Alejandro’s robe represented. Or maybe they could see into his mind and knew what Alisa suspected, that the robe was no more than a costume for him, a way to keep people from molesting him while he was on his quest. It hadn’t worked that well so far.
    “I have come in the hope that your people can help me research it,” Alejandro said, measuring his words carefully. “My understanding is that it may lead to a useful tool that could help return the system to a time of peace.”
    Abelardus snorted. “Perhaps in the way that the invention of the atomic bomb brought peace to Old Earth for a time.”
    Alisa’s Old Earth history was rusty, and she did not quite understand the statement, but she did get the hint that her suspicions might have been correct, that Alejandro sought a weapon, something that could be used to his people’s advantage. She scowled at him, though neither he nor Leonidas was paying attention to her. Neither were the Starseers. Aside from the one who had addressed Alejandro, the warriors were all glaring blazer bolts at Leonidas. He hadn’t said a word yet, nor had he pointed a weapon at them, but tension seemed to crackle in the air between them.
    Alisa hopped off the side of the ramp. She would help Leonidas if she could, but she didn’t want to be lumped in with Alejandro and his quest, especially if these people thought the orb should belong to them. Besides, she had a quest of her own. While the men

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