For my Master('s)

Free For my Master('s) by Linnea May

Book: For my Master('s) by Linnea May Read Free Book Online
Authors: Linnea May
reciprocates my confused look with a stern and expectant expression. "What are you waiting for?"
    "I'm... what you're asking is just a little bit-"
    "I'm not asking," he interrupts. "I'm telling you to."
    I only dare to hesitate for another moment before I put my glass down on the black coffee table in front of the sofa and get up. He does not take his eyes off me, as I obediently reach beneath my dress and pull down my thong, realizing with embarrassment that it is sticking to my center. I let it fall down to my feet and step out of it as elegantly as possible.
    He smiles and nods approvingly. "Good girl. Now, give it to me."
    I bend down to pick my thong up and hand it over to him. He takes it and pushes it up to his nose, taking a deep breath, inhaling my scent while his eyes are still fixated on me. Of course, I blush at seeing him do that. I don't move until he tells me to sit down again. As I seat myself, I make sure for my dress to cover my behind so I am not sitting on his furniture with my bare behind. It might not bother him, but I am scarily aware of the wetness between my legs.
    "I just want you to know what you are about to agree to," he says. "To feel it. Every minute you are with me."
    I nod. "Yes, Sir."
    "So, are you?" He asks.
    "Am I what?"
    "Agreeing," he says. "Do you still adhere to the Yes you sent me?"
    "Yes, absolutely," I reply. "But I do have a few things I would like to clear up first."
    He raises his right eyebrow, looking slightly amused. "Sure, go ahead."
    "I am very grateful for your offer to pay for my schooling, and I am willing to accept it," I begin. "But I don't want you to cover all of my living expenses. I have a part time job and I would like to continue earning money on my own. And I won't rely on you paying for everything - I will still try for other scholarships. I don't like the idea of completely depending on you. Especially when..."
    I pause for a moment, thinking about a way to phrase what I want to say without insulting him or seeming ungrateful.
    "Yes?" He presses.
    "Especially when you could end it at any time." I conclude, catching his unyielding gaze. "What if I displease you along the way? What would happen?"
    He puts his drink next to mine on the table and leans over to me, taking my left hand with both of his.
    "That is a very reasonable concern you have," he says. "And I am glad you mention it."
    I can feel myself tense up, getting a little worried about what he might say next.
    "I can understand your concern of me cutting you off before you finish your degree," he continues. "And I can promise you, that will not happen. I will give it to you in writing. If you disappoint me, I will punish you. It's called training, baby girl."
    He smirks and plants a little kiss on my cheek before he continues.
    "However, I will expect you to work hard. I want you to thrive in your studies, and if that part time job gets in the way of our play time and your studies too much, I will ask you to cut down on your hours, understand?"
    "Yes, Sir. But-"
    "No but," he interrupts. "I have told you before, I admire your determination and desire for independence. But if you are to be my sub, you will have to let go of a certain degree of sovereignty - not only in the bed room."
    I lower my head, staring at my fiddling hands on my lap. He shifts closer to me, lifting my chin with the tip of his index finger, gently turning my head around, so I am looking at him.
    "You will be mine," he whispers, intently staring at me. "I will own you. It is your duty to please me and receive pleasure in return."
    "What if I can't?" I ask. "I mean... please you? What if I fail in doing that?"
    He subtly shakes his head. "I can trust my instincts. You have already proven yourself worthy, baby girl. And I know you are wet right now. You are trembling with lust every time I see you. Melting beneath my touch. I can feel your body burning with sensual heat. Everything you are is calling for me to touch you, play with you,

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