Among the Ducklings

Free Among the Ducklings by Marsh Brooks

Book: Among the Ducklings by Marsh Brooks Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marsh Brooks
you left
yesterday, I asked your aunt when you were going to be here. I'm sorry about
that,” Phil said.   Both of them were
talking while still watching the ducks in the water.  

    “Are you?”
Isabel asked, turning her head to look at Phil. Sensing Isabel's stare, Phil
turned. These eyes can melt a glacier ,
Phil thought before replying.
    “I didn't have any choice. I wanted to see you
again. You seemed upset when you left yesterday.”
    As Phil spoke, Isabel kept
reminding herself that she was engaged to be married and not to let the
feelings she had for Phil interfere with her relationship with Richard. “Why did
you want to see me again?.”

    “Isn't it
obvious?   Since I met you, it's like a
spell.   I can't get you out of my mind
and feel like a happy kid at the prospect of seeing you again,” Phil said,
surprising even himself for being so open with her about his feelings.

    “Why are
you doing this?”

    “What am I
doing?” Phil asked, incredulous at the question.

only known me for just a couple of weeks and now you are telling me about your
feelings for me. How do you think I should respond?”

    “I know
it's very soon.   I don't go around
falling for women I just met. But that's what happened to me with you and I was
hoping that you would agree to see me again,” Phil said. When he had met Stacy,
he could not help but to admire Stacy's body molding jeans, her shapely legs.
With Isabel, it wasn't about her legs, it wasn't even
about Isabel's pretty face. Beauty fades.   It was about everything about her.

took a few seconds for Isabel to respond, which to Phil seemed an eternity.
When Isabel responded, it was as if Phil had been punched in the stomach.

    “I am sorry
to disappoint you.   I am engaged to be
married to a wonderful man.   You and I
have known each other only for a short period, while I've been with Richard for
years.   I hope you get over your feelings
for me, but I can't see you again.”   Isabel tried to sound as icy as possible and was hoping that Phil would
not be able to read through her. She wanted to see Phil, and dreamed about
being in Phil’s arms.   However, that
would not be fair to Richard.   When she
met Richard, there was no denying her attraction to him.   However, the way she felt about Phil was
different.   It was more than a simple
physical attraction. She wanted to be with Phil, wanted to share breakfast,
lunch and dinner with him. But although she wanted to share her life with Phil,
she knew that would not be fair to Richard.   She never broke her promises.

    “But you
have been engaged for three years. That tells me that neither of you is sure.
Me, I would have married you on the spot,” Phil insisted.

don't read anything into my relationship with Richard. You don't even know

all I am asking is for a chance to show you that we are made for each other. I
am sure that you have feelings for me too,” Phil implored.

    “It's very
arrogant of you to tell me how I feel,” Isabel quipped. “I don't know what made
you think that.   I only have feelings for
Richard,” Isabel lied.
Keep your
promises to Richard
your feelings
for Phil

    “I was
hoping that you would give me a chance,” Phil finally said.

    “Well, you
were wrong. I don't think we should talk to each other again.”

    “Well it
looks like I've taken too much of your time,” a resigned Phil said. He felt
that he was starring in a bad romance movie. In a romance movie, there was
always one person that was left out. The character that the
star of the movie didn't love or left for his or her real love. Phil felt
he was such a character and wanted get away as soon as possible.  
    Phil got up and Isabel said, “Good Bye Phil.”

Phil was leaving, tears flowed down Isabel's cheeks. She was devastated. She
remembered the story told at church of a big flood and the drowning person
declining all help, including a boat, in

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